Page 54 - Free State Winter 2021
P. 54

GARDEN COMM  A  Heather Zindash

        Pivoting with Purpose

                   e have all heard the term   take flight, or freeze. The world froze.   to start sewing masks or volunteering
                   ‘pivot’ used many times   Our businesses were halted, as were   in some way to help? Would we need
        Win the last year and a half.        our incomes and economic security.    to horde toilet paper and bottled
        This word has meant many things to   We didn’t know how to keep ourselves,   water? It was just at that moment that
        many people, especially to those of us   our families, our employees, or our   we received an MNLGA “Root of the
        in the Horticulture and Landscaping   businesses safe at the onset of the   Matter” email with a link to a “I know
        industry.                            pandemic in March 2020.               I should…But” (
                                                                                   com/watch?v=IUx7_qeS1NE)  webinar
        For many of us, we were motivated,   I hadn’t yet had time do decide how
        if not forced, to pivot due to panic   I would react to ‘The Pause’ in our   for Landscape and Horticultural
        caused by a global pandemic and an   economy when my business was          Professionals by Scott Wentworth and
        accompanying economic shut-down.     negatively affected and 50% of it was   Jim Paluch.
        It was a reaction and why not? We    put on pause. Like all of us, I watched   The take-away messages from this
        were not trained to deal with possible   the news closely to see if our industry   webinar came at the perfect time for
        pandemics.                           would be deemed ‘essential’ or not.   what we were all experiencing. “What
                                             Could we continue to work and         will your legacy be when this is over?”
        We know that the human body’s
                                             conduct our businesses? Did we need   “How will you be remembered during
        natural reaction to danger is to fight,
                                                                                   this time?” “This is what is happening
                                                                                   through us, not to us.” These
                                                                                   messages buoyed me and gave me
                                                                                   the encouragement to consciously
                                                                                   choose how I would respond to this
                                                                                   pandemic danger. I chose to fight,
                                                                                   as did many of us in this industry!
                                                                                   The messages challenged us to ask
                                                                                   ourselves, “How could we pivot with

                                                                                   Once deemed essential, we
                                                                                   watched as our fellow Horticulture
                                                                                   colleagues instantly created on-line
                                                                                   service options, and hands-free
                                                                                   pick-up and delivery options. We
                                                                                   found a way to keep our products
                                                                                   moving and our businesses afloat
                                                                                   under dire circumstances. We and
        Naughty Pine Owner and Heather                                             our employees took on new roles,

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