Page 56 - Free State Winter 2021
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GARDEN COMM (Continued) on our business plans. Many of us did Heather Zindash
not have a Plan B, or C through Z, until
2021 showed tremendous growth we were forced to create them. Our is a GardenComm
member, an
for our industry. It also brought with lives will never be the same, but we Integrated Pest
it a supply chain interruption and have learned a great deal. We can Management
a reduction in workforce. We can now all proactively pivot with purpose (IPM) Consultant,
a Certified
anticipate dealing with this issue for an and plan ahead for the possibility of Professional
undetermined amount of time. And, I unforeseen challenges by capitalizing Horticulturalist, and an ISA Certified
believe how we deal with this will in fact on our business strengths, following Arborist. Her company, The Soulful
Gardener, helps growers, landscape
be our legacy.
our instincts, and understanding the professionals, commercial and residential
Who could have known that this would insights from our recent experiences. clients protect their plants by properly
identifying pests and diseases and
be the end result after the March providing environmentally conscience
Remember, we have all experienced
2020 shut down? Now that we have management solutions.
this pandemic together, yet in Heather is a popular regional speaker who
adapted to the recent changes, we are
different ways. These changes have has lectured at numerous professional
well prepared to pivot with purpose. organizations, businesses, and special
been smoother for some and harder
And our common goal is not only interest groups. She entertains and
for others. I encourage you to lead with educates audiences with original photos,
to keep our businesses running and
empathy. Find ways to encourage your videos and stories based on personal
profitable, but also to support all those experience, formal education, and
colleagues to discover their own skills
new gardeners and landscape lovers specialized training.
and talents and inspire them to make She is also the President of The Maryland
who have been fueling our businesses
suggestions that helps them, and you Bluebird Society, and Ladies in the
and keeping us motivated. Landscape, which supports women
pivot with purpose. How will you be
Before 2020, most of us were working remembered when this is over? A working in horticulture and related fields.
MNLGA would like to thank these companies for their
sponsorship and support.
The MNLGA sponsorship Program is designed with your increased visibility in mind. It is a simple
straightforward and reward driven program. The recognition opportunities coupled with an
MNLGA Sponsorship are unparallelded for a state association.
Sponsorship rates and benefits are avaiable on
56 WINTER 2021 • Free State News