Page 60 - Free State Winter 2021
P. 60


        Nursery Field Day Recap

        “If you grow it, they will come,” is   Magazine. If you have not read this   the day was that this place is simply
        the philosophy of Mark Sullivan and   article on Mark, Maripat, and the    amazing. You really should see it for
        his wife, Maripat Neff, owners of    Fieldstone journey, you still may     yourself and we’ll let the pictures do
        Fieldstone Nursery Inc. in Parkton,   on your association website www.     the lions share of the talking.
                                                                                   But first, a big thank you to Mark
        In 1988, they purchased 12 acres of   Well, they have built it and on      Sullivan, Maripat Neff and everyone
        what had been a 200-acre dairy       Thursday, September 16 “they”         associated with Fieldstone to get
        farm and moved, with their three     sure did come. Over 100 attendees     the nursery “ready” for field day.
        sons, into what had been the old     gathered at Fieldstone for the        Anyone who has hosted this event
        homestead. The house was built       return to in-person nursery field     understands what that means
        in 1852. The property, which is in   days; our first since September       including the overwhelming joy
        northern Baltimore County near the   18, 2019. It is true that a picture is   of hosting the event and the even
        Pretty Boy Reservoir, just 6 miles from   worth a thousand words and the   greater joy of watching the MNLGA
        the Pennsylvania line, included a barn   beauty that is Fieldstone, like so   staff leave when it is all over. There
        and a pond.                          many of our Maryland Nurseries        is no greater compliment to us
        So began the Featured Member         that dot the landscape across the     (the staff) then being told by the
        article written by Carol Kinsley in the   state, is not always done justice by   host that they look forward to not
        Summer 2020 issue of Free State      a photograph alone … a familiar       hearing from us.
                                             refrain from attendees throughout


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