Page 52 - Free State Spring 2023_WEB
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News Reps. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and G.T.
AMERICANHORT A (R-SC) and Ted Budd (R-NC) and
Thompson (R-PA).
from AmericanHort members can join hort
advocacy leaders like Jim Saunders
to express their support for the AEWR
rule CRA resolution of disapproval
the Hill by contacting their Members of
Congress promptly. Saunders spoke
at a Congressional staff briefing
on Monday regarding the negative
impacts of the rule. It will only take
you a few moments to send an
email to Congress from this link:
Legislative Effort Seeks to Reverse may trigger higher AEWRs. These Sara Neagu-Reed
H-2A Wage Rule AEWRs may in some cases be much Funding for Urban Forests
higher than the standard wage
As previously reported, on February Last year’s Inflation
28, 2023, the Department of Labor rates, and they would apply to all Reduction Act included
(DOL) amended its regulations workers employed under the job $1.5 billion in new
concerning the determination of order, including any U.S. workers federal investments
required wages for H-2A workers considered to be in corresponding over the next 10 years
and any U.S. workers performing employment, regardless of their to bolster urban
specific job responsibilities.
duties in common. Consequently, forests and community
employers who engage H-2A workers There is an effort by congressional tree planting
for specialized duties like truck leaders to introduce a resolution of programs, especially in traditionally
driving and on-farm construction disapproval of this new rule under underplanted, economically
may experience significant wage the Congressional Review Act (CRA) disadvantaged areas. AmericanHort
increases. The new rule has been in as early as this week. If the CRA joint is tracking this effort for two reasons,
effect since March 30th. resolution of disapproval is passed one good, and one not good.
by both Chambers of Congress
As a refresher, under the new adverse First, major investments in tree
effect wage rates (AEWR) rule, and signed by President Biden, the planting may drive business and
specialized job duties such as truck AEWR final rule would go out of collaboration opportunities for the
driving and on-farm construction effect immediately. The CRA will horticulture industry. Secondly, there
be introduced by Sens. Tim Scott could be downside consequences,
if funds are spent in ways that lead
to government or nonprofit groups
competing with the private sector.
The U.S. Forest Service’s Urban and
Community Forestry program has
already announced a “notice of
funding availability” and held two
webinars for interested parties on
April 18 and 25.
AmericanHort advocacy leader Jim Saunders addresses House staffers at AEWR briefing. The webinars were recorded
52 SPRING 2023 • Free State News