Page 6 - Free State Spring 2023_WEB
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                                                                at our dining room table. She had my sisters and I organize
                                                                them and stuff them in envelopes to be picked up onsite.
                                                                Mom also organized many a work-party to collate, stuff,
                                                                seal, and stamp exhibitor and attendee letters. Fortunately
                                                                for her, she had my three sisters and me to help, whether
                                                                we were willing participants, or not. I believe she attended
                                                                every single MANTS through 2020, and if not at the forefront
                                                                of management was working behind the scenes to make
                                                                sure it functioned as smoothly as possible.

                                                                Some will remember my mother as a formidable woman.
                                                                And she was. We called that her “teacher-mode.” One
                                                                never really wanted to meet my mother in “teacher-mode”
                                                                outside of classroom hours. But she did soften over the
        Executive Director                                      years, particularly when the grandchildren came along.
                                                                Mom-Mom, as she was known, was a softie with her
                                                                grandchildren and the children adored her. I don’t think
        In a normal year, my spring Free State column would be all
        about MANTS, the recent ending of the Maryland General   there was anything she would not have done for them. She
        Assembly, and upcoming MNLGA events. And those things   especially loved to spend time shopping with the girls and
        are important to cover, and they will be elsewhere in this   swimming with the boys. She held annual Easter Egg Hunts
        issue. But this year is not normal, at least not for me, due to   for them and thought it was a riot to give them the loudest
        the passing of my mother, Nancy Akehurst, on April 12th. I’m   possible toys at Christmas.
        opting to write about her, as she was pretty important, too.  There’s really not enough room in one column to capture
                                                                the essence of Nancy Akehurst. What I do want you all
        I think many of you knew my mother. You would often
        find her right beside my father, Carville, at MANTS, MNA   to know is that the MNLGA and MANTS would not be
        (as it was known “back in the day”) events, or other green   the organizations they are today without her having
        industry events across the country. When Mom retired    been a part of them. She played a significant role in the
        from teaching in the late 1980s, she went to work full-time   development of these organizations and took fierce pride in
        with my father (well, full-time when she wasn’t shopping or   what she did and represented.
        watching grandchildren). I think Mom deserves the credit   She also forged many, many friendships with industry
        for helping to bring technology into my father’s world,   members over the years and I know she truly valued
        teaching herself how to use word processing and other   them. They were true friendships, not just professional
        software to benefit the organizations they managed. I recall   relationships. (I, too, have learned this industry is a good
        for years, Mom used to type every article of Free State, from   place to build true friendships).
        the handwritten submissions of its contributors, and then   Mom cherished her work with the industry and truly
        painstakingly lay out the whole magazine, page by page,   felt fortunate to work alongside Carville. Together they
        the old-fashioned way, by hand. She’d mockup dummies    created a legacy. They both loved this industry and the
        and move ads and copy around until she got just the right   organizations they served.
        fit and balance. Today’s Free State exists due to the efforts
        and ingenuity of Nancy Akehurst.                        May you rest in peace, Mom. I am so happy you are, at last,
                                                                reunited with Dad. A
        What many may not know is the extent to which my
        mother was active with MANTS well prior to her teaching   Vanessa A. Finney
        retirement. I recall as a child, in the early seventies, my   Executive Director, MNLGA
        mother typing up MANTS exhibitor and attendee badges

        6   SPRING 2023 •  Free State News
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