Page 36 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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        MNLGA goes further with timely communications,          $25 in credit toward a future MNLGA event or toward their
        educational offerings to help members stay current on   annual dues. The referred company receives a $15 credit
        pesticide and nutrient management CEU’s, as well as     toward attendance at a future event. The more referrals
        professional certification, education and training, discount   you make the more credits you earn.
        programs and access to numerous industry and business   If you are interested in receiving a list of companies in your
        resources and networking opportunities.                 area, please contact us and we will send them over. In
        We have already begun outreach to these non-member      addition, if you are going to be at MANTS then this will be a
        businesses using direct mail and e-mail when applicable.   prime opportunity to put your recruiting skills to work.
        Our message is about the importance of membership and   You have already received many mailed and digital
        how the MNLGA represents the entire industry. But the best   communications about our new referral program, and we
        way to recruit new members is by asking current members   will continue to share information and updates over the
        to help share our message. More association voices      coming months and throughout the year. Additionally, we
        generally equal more association impact.                will have more information in future issues of the Free State
        The Seeding Success Member Referral program is designed   News.
        to reward members for their time and efforts. For every   Until then, we look forward to working together on
        new member referred, current active members receive     strengthening the voice of the MNLGA. A

                                                                See page 38 how you can Reap Rewards

     Membership with the MNLGA is without question a smart business
     investment.  This organization offers the best place for Maryland
     green industry professionals to come together for educational
     and networking events.  There's a good spirit of cooperation and
     collaboration among MNLGA members, staff, board, committee
     members, and advisory organizations.

     -Leslie Hunter Cario, Chesapeake Horticultural Services
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