Page 31 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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MEMBER EVENT (Continued)
Dr. Karen Rane and Dr. David as well as ask questions about the
Clement, UMD Extension Plant needs of their own businesses.
Pathologists and Diagnosticians After lunch, attendees were given
shared a Nursery Disease Update. the opportunity to hop on buses to
Drs. Clement and Rane reminded travel throughout the 1000 acres of
those who participated in their farmland, where over 400 varieties
session that plant diseases can be of trees, plants, and shrubs are
hidden profit stealers in your nursery, produced.
but not all diseases pose the same
threat. They brought cuttings to We are most appreciative of Bobby
show attendees how to identify the Horsey, Justin Taylor, Chris Ayers,
diseases that are most destructive Michelle Yates, and all those on the
and the steps you can take to Abby Farms staff, all together about
minimize losses. Those who attended fifteen, who helped us plan, organize,
their session were able to touch and and conduct this event. And what
look at the diseased plants, so they is an MNLGA event without the help
knew what to look for. and support from the University of
Maryland Extension? We appreciate
Stanton Gill and Dr. Brian Kunkel this continued partnership. And
presented an Insect Management finally, thank you to all our annual
Update – Get the latest on 6 insects Wye Oak sponsors, Angelica,
in 35 minutes, sharing what is Babikow, Horizon Farm Credit, Tidal
happening with new controls for Creek Growers, Jerry D.’s Quality Bark,
crepe myrtle bark scale, redheaded The Perennial Farm, Walnut Springs
flea beetle, spotted lantern fly, Nursery, Inc., and Waverly Farms, as
Japanese maple scale, ambrosia well as our annual Black-Eyed Susan
beetles, and box tree moth. Mr. Gill sponsors, The HC Companies, The
and Dr. Kunkle shared their new Soulful Gardener, North Creek and
research based on MD and DE field Edrich Lumber, Inc. Your continued
trial, results, and what is the best IPM support means so much to the
approach to use. They brought with successful implementation of our
them samples and photographs to events and programs.
show their findings so that attendees
would be able to have a first-hand Visit to learn about
view of their results. the CPH Program and upcoming
events, including the Annual Meeting
The final station was the Atlantic Breakfast, MANTS, and Chesapeake
Tractor Equipment Demonstration.
Green, to mention a few. A
We thank Rudi Reichel and John
“Woody” Parker of Atlantic Tractor for
bringing three pieces of equipment
ABOVE TOP TO BOTTOM: deemed invaluable for those in the
Dr. Andrew Ristvey. Green Industry. Atlantic has new
MNCPPC and Manor View Farm staff. and used John Deere equipment
An attendee takes a closer look at one of the for nursery, landscape, lawn
sample clippings. maintenance, and other agriculture Lauren J. Bottcher
Dr. Brian Kunkle shows pest-infested samples. Communications and Events Coordinator
industries. Participants were able to
look at the equipment they brought 410-823-1789
Membership Matters • WINTER 2023 31