Page 28 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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        Nursery field Day at Abby Farms

                 n September 13  the MNLGA   nutrient management policy and
                 hosted its Annual Field Day   procedures for the future.
        Oat Abby Farms in Waldorf,           Attendees participated in three of
        MD. With threats of rain throughout   the four educational stations offered.
        the week, we could not have asked for   The stations offered were: Advancing
        more perfect weather for this event.    Environmental Monitoring Systems for
        The sun shone on over 100 attendees,   Greenhouse, Nursery, and Controlled
        and the day was successful.
                                             Environment Crop Production, Nursery
        We began the day with a welcome      Disease Update, Insect Management
        by Abby Farms and MNLGA board        Update – Get the latest on 6 insects
        member Justin Taylor, who shared     in 35 minutes, and Atlantic Tractor
        a little about their operation,      Equipment Demonstration.
        followed by welcome a from MNLGA     Advancing Environmental Monitoring
        President John Murphy. MNLGA         Systems for Greenhouse, presented
        Executive Director, Vanessa Finney,   by Dr. Andrew Ristvey and Dr. John
        shared an overview of the day and    Lea-Cox, shared that various sensors
        updates about the MNLGA Certified    can measure many environmental
        Professional Horticulturalist Certificate   parameters. It’s the integration of
        (CPH) Program. Testing is held three   all that data that creates valuable
        times during the year. The next test will   information for production managers
        be held in January 2024.
                                             to utilize. Participants in their session
        Attendees heard from Jamie           were informed that greenhouse,
        Tsambikos, MDA Nursery Inspector,    nursery, and controlled-environment
        about essential updates directly from   production systems are reliant
        the MDA. Craig Regelbrugge, Executive  upon production managers being
        Vice President for Advocacy, Research   aware of and understanding many
        & Industry Relations at AmericanHort,   environmental factors and being
        joined us for the day to share industry   able to use that information to
        news on the national front.   Alan   increase production efficiency. They
        Jones, Manor View Farm, Inc. shared   learned what is possible with these
        with the members information from    sensor networks and what you need
        the Maryland Nutrient Management     to know about your operation to
        Task Force, a committee on which he   maximize their potential and improve
        represents industry.  The task force   production efficiency.
        is responsible for advising MDA on                    (continued on page 31)

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