Page 25 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 25

North America. This pathogen
        has caused extensive dieback of
        European type hazelnuts in the Pacific
        northwest of the U.S. where European
        hazelnut (filbert) production is an
        important agricultural industry. This
        disease has prevented nursery owners
        from successfully growing European
        hazelnuts on the east coast. When
        the European hazelnut (C. avellana)
        was introduced to North America
        and cultivation was attempted in the
        early part of the 20th century, eastern
        filbert blight was identified and found
        to be so destructive that cultivation of
        European filbert was abandoned.
        Tom Molnar has made his cultivars
        available through Foggy Bottom          Hybrid hazelnut upclose at CMREC field trial
        Nursery in New Jersey. Early in the
                                                New liquid screen dissecting scopes for new CMREC Lab
        summer Andrew, David, and I traveled
        to Foggy Bottom to purchase these
        5 new cultivar releases. We will be
        evaluating these cultivars, and how
        they perform in Maryland, over the
        next three years.

        Grimo Nut Nursery, of Canada,
        has also developed a filbert blight-
        resistant cultivar of hazelnut and we
        have some of those bare root plants
        arriving in the spring of 2024 to add
        to our test plots at CMREC and the
        WYEREC research centers.

        Taking it a step further, David
        Clement and I inoculated these hybrid
        hazelnuts with a native truffle fungus,
        called Appalachian white truffle,
        Tuber canaliculatum. If this works, we
        will have a hybrid European hazelnut
        that can also produce native truffles.                    Stanton Gill, Extension Specialist in IPM for Greenhouses

        We plan to hold a field day in 2025                       and Nurseries, University of Maryland Extension
        when Maryland nursery managers                            and Professor, Montgomery College, Germantown Campus,
        can visit the field trial site. A                         Landscape Technology Program

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