Page 24 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 24


                                                                                  On March 1, we will have highly
                                                                                  experienced speakers coming from
                                                                                  Canada, the mid-west United States,
                                                                                  and southern states to present
                                                                                  on ways to be successful with use
                                                                                  of biological control in nurseries,
                                                                                  greenhouses, and landscapes.
                                                                                  This upcoming conference will be
                                                                                  co-sponsored with MNLGA.
                                                                                  We will also be holding a 2-day
                                                                                  drone mapping school this winter at
                                                                                  the new CMREC facility, with flying
                                                                                  of drones in our field plots near the
                                                                                  CMREC building. We will advertise the
                                                                                  schedules and sign up through our
                                                                                  IPM Alert list.
                                                                                  Field Trials at CMREC
           CMREC - new Entomology and Pathology lab under construction
           Hybrid hazelnut plots Oct 2023                                         David Clement, Andrew Ristvey, and
                                                                                  I are working closely with MNLGA in
                                                                                  investigating new plant cultivars for
                                                                                  Maryland production. Toward this
                                                                                  end we set up field plots in a 3-acre
                                                                                  field in front of our new building.
                                                                                  We planted 5 hybrid cultivars of
                                                                                  hazelnuts in the summer of 2023. The
                                                                                  board of MNLGA generously supplied
                                                                                  the capital to purchase these new

                                                                                  Tom Molnar of Rutger’s University
                                                                                  Plant Biology Department released
                                                                                  several new hybrid hazelnut cultivars
                                                                                  that are resistant to Filbert Blight ,
                                                                                  Anisogramma anomala. Filbert Blight
                                                                                  is a native fungus. Anisogramma
                                                                                  anomala is an extremely damaging
                                                                                  pathogen on European hazelnut
        We will also have a conference room   horticulture industry. The first day will   (Corylus avellana), also known as
        that can hold up to 99 participants   include  hands-on lab sessions (in our   filbert, causing perennial cankers that
        for educational seminars.            new lab) with beneficial organisms   girdle branches and eventually result
                                             and how to evaluate bio-fungicides   in tree death if not managed.
        One of the first big educational events
                                             on plants, which were started and
        we will hold in the building will be on                                   A. Anomala is an indigenous and non-
                                             treated at the University of MD
        February 29 and March 1, 2024. We                                         consequential pathogen on American
        are organizing a Biological Control                                       hazelnut (Corylus americana), which
        conference for the commercial                                             is an understory tree in northeastern

        24   WINTER 2023 • Free State News
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