Page 29 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 29

Nursery field Day at Abby Farms

                              ABOVE TOP TO BOTTOM:
                              Waverly Farm employees Laura Hagmann and Laura Martinez talk with John
                              Murphy.                                                   ABOVE TOP TO BOTTOM:
                              Lindsey Haltman, Calvert County Government, and Mark Bascaino, Casey Trees,   Justin Taylor, host of Field Day, welcomes
                              listen to the welcome as the day's program gets underway.  participants to Abby Farms.
                              Abby Farms' own Chris Ayers confers with Tim Babikow and Justin Taylor during a   Craig Regelbrugge, Executive Vice President
                                                                                        Advocacy, Research & Industry Relations,
                              break in the morning program.
                              LEFT TOP TO BOTTOM:                                       MNLGA executive Director Vanessa Finney
                              Andy and Bryan Schlosser of Roseland Nurseries, Inc. catch-up with a colleague.  welcomes attendees.
                              Nick Graves, Ruppert Nurseries                            MNLGA President John Murphy kicks the day off
                              Woody Parker, Atlantic Tractor, demonstrates field equipment.  with a welcome.

                                                                                             Membership Matters • WINTER 2023   29
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