Page 12 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 12


                                                                              “Because I had decided

                                                                              long ago to pot our rooted

                                                                              cuttings into 1 gallons

                                                                              during the winter. This

                                                                              gets us an extra and

                                                                              early growth starting

                                                                              in February. Plants like

                                                                              Japanese Hollies, Azaleas,

                                                                              Crape Myrtles and things

                                                                              like Forsythia respond so

                                                                              well to it.”

        Manhatten Green Euonymus Potted 2.15.22 Now 3.30.22

        azaleas, and flowers are fully open, it’s time to over water   all in the 2 feet wide by 4 feet long size. A number of years
        them to leech out the excess fertilizer. If you don’t the leaves   ago I traded some plants for one that’s 3 feet wide and 5
        will show yellow discoloration, then death by turning brown.   feet long. It got used but not a lot; loaded down with 3- or
        This year I hit it just right and won’t have much of a problem.   7-gallon plants, only a strong person can pull it far. I never
        Much better than 2 years ago when I lost a lot of the azaleas,   used it unless a customer had already loaded it. Recently
        some blueberries and some hollies.                      Larry decided to get a new lawn mower as his was 20 years
                                                                old and the mower part was worn out. He tried to sell it
        Many of us wear gloves some or most of the time. I like to wear
        them, if possible, when potting especially during the winter. It   and of course everyone low balled the price he was asking.
        keeps the hands warm if the gloves stay dry. My small hands   Finally, he said “Let’s keep it and I’ll rig it up to pull that 3x5
        make it hard to find men’s work gloves that fit. So, when I do, I’ll   wagon”. I was kinda like “well ok” not seeing the usefulness
        buy 3 or more pairs. The ones that are best are the ones that   of it. Well, I was wrong; it is a useful rig. Great for picking up
        have been partially dipped in a rubbery material. But even   those bigger but not huge orders and it always seems to be
                                                                handy. A
        then, they wear out too fast. A couple years ago Larry bought
        a spray that I use now to spray the fingertips. This keeps the
        fingertips from wearing out and a bit more waterproof. It’s the             Mike Hemming
        stuff the guy advertises by coating a screen door with it as the            Eastern Shore Nurseries Inc
        bottom of a boat, it’s called Rubber Flex. It has solved my glove           410-822-1320
        wearing out problem.                                              
        Retail nurseries, where customers pick out their own plants to
        purchase, need a lot of small wagons. We have a lot, almost

        12   SPRING 2022 • Free State News
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