Page 17 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 17

GROWING FORWARD A Leslie Hunter Cario

        Connecting with the Holly

        Society of America

                  here would you go to learn more about a type   several evergreen species which can be used in many ways
                  of plant that you grow or would like to grow?   throughout the landscape. At one point, the native Ilex
        WMaybe you’d turn to the internet, or some books        opaca (American holly) had become an enormous cash
        you keep on hand for reference. Where would you go to   crop as the evergreen boughs with bright red berries were
        learn about a type of plant that you’d like to incorporate   harvested as cuttings for holiday decorations. Unfortunately,
        more into landscapes you design, or simply have a       this led to the decimation of wild holly populations in NJ,
        personal interest in understanding better? Maybe you’d   PA, MD, and DE, which in turn led to a gathering in 1945 of
        ask a colleague for advice or visit a public garden with that   those who would help to save the species. HSA founder
        plant type on display. Say that type of plants is hollies, an   Harry Dengler, a forester with the University of Maryland
        incredibly important horticultural product in Maryland…   Extension, had the idea of forming a group of like-minded
        the Holly Society of America (HSA) serves as an excellent   naturalists, horticulturists, and others who appreciated
        combination of all those learning possibilities and is an   hollies. Fellow holly-lovers Clarence Wolf and Dan Fenton,
        organization you’ll be glad to know about if you are not   both of Millville, NJ. and Stuart McLean of Carney, MD joined
        already familiar with its offerings.                    in the effort and the group was off and running. The goal
                                                                was to help educate the public about all species of hollies
        Hollies are a valuable horticultural crop with a long history
                                                                and specifically Ilex opaca. The first official meeting of the
        in Maryland. Serving as a focal point, anchor, or screen,
                                                                HSA took place in 1947 in New Jersey, where this not-for-profit
        this is a highly versatile genera of plants that includes
                                                                organization was officially incorporated.
                                                                                                       (continued on next page)

        Holly Auction, Nashville Annual Meeting (photo credit: Holly Society of America)

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