Page 45 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 45

Next year’s Adverse Effect Wage Rate   available to the public. The new    the change in 2019 was protection of
        increase is likely to be steep given the   proposed rule would:            worker privacy by preventing regular
        ongoing inflation and labor market                                         collection of sensitive information
                                             •  Require establishments with 100 or
        pressures. Reform legislation, if it were                                  including injury descriptions and body
                                               more employees in certain high-
        enacted, would at least feature a one-                                     parts affected, which could become
                                               hazard industries to electronically
        year wage freeze and a cap on annual                                       subject to public release via Freedom
                                               submit information from their OSHA
        increases, if not a broader change in                                      of Information Act (FOIA). The Trump
                                               Forms 300, 301 and 300A to OSHA
        wage methodology.                                                          Administration change notably
                                               once a year.
        Craig Regelbrugge                                                          received opposition from organized
                                             •  Remove the current requirement for   labor, including the AFL-CIO. OSHA
        OSHA Eyes Another Change to Injury
                                               establishments with 250 or more     is currently seeking comments on its
        and Illness Recordkeeping
                                               employees not in a designated       proposal and final rules are potentially
        The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)     industry to electronically submit   a way off.
        Occupational Safety and Health         information from their Form 300A to
                                                                                   Laurie Flanagan and Evan Lee
        Administration recently proposed       OSHA annually.
        amendments to its occupational injury
                                             •  Update the classification system
        and illness recordkeeping regulation.                                                  Craig J. Regelbrugge
                                               used to determine the list of
        The proposed rule marks the third                                                      Executive Vice President
                                               industries covered by the electronic            Advocacy, Research &
        consecutive presidential administration
                                               submission requirement.                         Industry Relations
        to pursue a change in employers’                                                       202-789-8111
        injury and recordkeeping requirements.   •  Require establishments to include
                                               their company name when making                  Laurie Flanagan is the
        The current regulation, revised in     electronic submissions to OSHA.                 Executive Vice President
        2019, requires specific employers to                                                   at D.C. Legislative and
        electronically submit injury and illness   The latest proposal tracks closely          Regulatory Services, Inc.
        information (that they are required   with the Obama Administration’s
        to keep) to OSHA. The agency then    rule, which the Trump Administration              Evan Lee is Director
        utilizes these reports to identify and   amended to eliminate the requirement          of Policy and
        respond to emerging hazards and      for submitting forms 300 and 301                  Government Relations at
        makes aspects of the information     electronically. OSHA’s justification for          AmericanHort.

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