Page 46 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 46


        Hellebores are Not

        Easy to Overlook

                 ost people look at the      Landscapers often plant Hellebores on   wide. The glossy dark green leathery
                 first blooming crocus or    shady slopes for the excellent drainage   basal leaves are palmate divided into
        Msnowdrops as the sign that          and the better views of the nodding   7- 9 segments. The margins are smooth
        spring will soon be here. They are the   flowers. If a landscape doesn’t have a   from the center to the top third and
        first to bloom but are so tiny that if they   shady slope, look into the Christmas   then the margins become serrated.
        are not planted by a walkway, path or   Rose, which has 2-3 inch white flowers   The foliage of Helleborus orientalis is
        trail, they are often overlooked.    that face outwards. These are often   also clump forming, growing 12 – 24
                                             used to create new hybrids that holds   inches high with leathery deep gloss
        The Hellebores are not as easy to
                                             their flowers outward for better viewing.   green leaves, deeply lobed and often
        overlook with their dark glossy green
                                             Lenten Rose with 2-4 inch white, pink or   serrated. Hellebores are winter hardy
        evergreen leaves and their large
                                             purple flowers with overlapping tepals,   in USDA zones 4-9 which covers all of
        beautiful flowers. They begin to bloom
                                             which typically nod downward, making   Maryland. Winter winds can damage
        even before the crocus and snowdrops
                                             it a challenge to view their flowers. The   the old foliage, and if trimmed off,
        in late December, January or February
                                             new hybrid cross have created beautiful   the new foliage will highlight the
        depending where in Maryland the
                                             outwardly facing flowers that can be   arching flowers beautifully. Like many
        landscapes are and how warm or cold
                                             enjoyed in any landscape.            herbaceous perennials, the Hellebores
        the winter is. Sometimes they bloom                                       prefer fertilizer in the fall to help initiate
        through the snow.                    Because all the Helleborus bloom in   the late winter to early spring flowers.
                                             very cool weather, the flowers can
        Although there are no native American   last from February to May. Each of   The plants contain glycodises, which
        Hellebores, there are many species   the single blooming flowers have five   can cause the heart to slow, saponin,
        native to the British Isles, Europe, Asia   overlapping tepals surrounding the   which acts on the nervous system, and
        and China and of them, two are often   nectaries, which surround the stigma   helleborine, a purgative, found in the
        found blooming in Maryland gardens.   and stamens with their bright yellow   roots. All of these make the Hellebore
        Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger) and   anthers. The tepals are either pure   family toxic, but the bitter tasting plants
        the Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis)   white, white with colorful spots, flecks   usually stop pets, deer, rabbits and
        both have flowers that bloom during   or veins, or many shades of pink,   voles from feasting on them.
        late winters into spring with brightly   purple, apricot, yellow and very dark
        colored, easy to see and enjoy flowers.   purple that in some lights look black.   In the past propagating the Hellebores
        There are a few differences between   The tepals can be oval with rounded   was relatively easy, simply done by
        the two. The Christmas Rose needs    tops or pointed tops depending of the   collecting the seedlings from under
        shade and consistently moist, alkaline   variety. The plants hold their heads   the leaves of the parent plants. The
        to basic soils to thrive. The Lenten Rose   either outward or gently nodding to   seedlings offer a mixed bag of colors
        prefers dappled shade and moist but   keep the pollen dry during the often-  through cross-pollination, some
        well drained acidic soils and, once   inclement weather. The foliage of   spectacular colors, vigorous growth
        established, the Lenten Rose is drought   Helleborus niger grows as an upright   or larger flowers while others might
        tolerant.                                                                 be weaker or not as showy. Growers
                                             bushy clump 12 x 18 inches tall and   would keep the good and toss out

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