Page 51 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
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stems over dark evergreen leathery
foliage that grows 18 inches tall and 22
inches wide. Helleborus Winter Jewels
‘Sparkling Diamond’ blossoms are
3-inch large fully double saucer shaped
ice white tepals, chartreuse eyes and
crowned with creamy white stamens.
A few blossoms are edges with picotee
of dark rose. The nodding flowers float
above the rich green foliage on top of
light green stems.
Landscapes with rich soils and dappled
shade can host the glossy evergreen
leaves and the glowing, often nodding
rainbow colored flowers of the early
blooming Hellebores. Deer, rabbits and
voles will always leave these hardy
plants alone. Green peach aphids
occasionally visit new tender foliage,
and if planted in soils that are too
wet, Pythium and leaf spot can be
problematic. Cucumber mosaic is
also an occasional pest. Despite
these few pests, there are so many
wonderful colorful plants to choose HGC Pink Frost
from, it is difficult to choose just one. Hellebore x Ivory Prince
A better idea is to choose at least 3-5
with complementing or contrasting
colors. A
Photos: Northwest Garden Nursery by
Ernie and Marietta O’Byrne
Ginny Rosenkranz
Extension Educator, Commercial
Horticulture, University of Maryland
Extension, Dorchester, Sommerset,
Wicomico and Worchester County
410 749-6141 x106
Get Active. Stay Involved. • SPRING 2022 51