Page 56 - Free State Winter 2022 - Website Version
P. 56
When we started growing at Waverly, the soils were
on average about 2.5% organic matter. Now we're up
to nearly 3.5% percent in many areas. Keep in mind we
started amending with organics only in 2004.
In the absence of organic matter
and humus, we find it necessary
to artificially provide fertilizer. This
could come from new organic
matter, but we have been taught
(I was taught in ag school) that it
is much more efficient to deliver
inexpensive synthetic fertilizer. This
There are hundreds of different soil types. created the ‘dog chasing its tail’
scenario we are now living with for
IT'S TIME FOR SHARING (Continued) most of the agricultural soils of the
acreage, through fallow rotations range of micronutrients which world. We depleted what naturally
with cover crops. is variable dependent on the occurring organic matter that may
source material. The nutrients have existed, did not replace it, and
For example, some growers produce
become available for plant uptake. are now obligated to make the
a high-volume cover crop that
When the organic matter is fully situation worse by pouring on what
contributes up to a hundred tons per
decomposed it is gone and must has become very expensive synthetic
acre of organic matter. They mow it
be replenished for the process to fertilizer. This same circumstance
down and work it into the soil.
start over again. How long it takes
There is another way to develop to disappear is dependent on the
healthy soil composition: Compost. variable mineralization rates. The
Compost provides a tremendous residue of this process is humus.
source of organic matter to feed Humus is comprised of three major
plants. It’s broken down by microbes components: fulvic acid, humic acid
in the soil and eventually becomes and humin (the black residue of
humus. Building soil volume and decomposition). Humus remains in
quality this way takes a long, the soil forever. Humus is the catalyst
long time and a single-minded for topsoil production.
There is more magic in humic acids.
Compost versus humus. Plant roots are negatively charged
There is confusion over the while nutrients are positively charged
relationship between compost and (cations). When roots absorb
humus. Compost is the parent nutrients, they create a depletion
material of humus. As organic zone in the vicinity of the root system.
matter decomposes it mineralizes Humic acids then transport available
to produce nitrogen, phosphorus, nutrients from nearby soils to the
and potassium as well as a wide root zone to replenish the zone of
56 WINTER 2022 • Free State News