Page 58 - Free State Winter 2022 - Website Version
P. 58

IT'S TIME FOR SHARING (Continued)                                          particles. The granulation is vital
                                                                                   because it maintains airspace
        A grower must invest in ways to  “manufacture”                             and oxygen in the soil which are
        topsoil to replace the soil lost with each plant                           essential for growth. Microbes will
                                                                                   not be as effective in mineralizing
        that is sold. The goal is to avoid a decline in soil                       the organics to nutrition if the soil
                                                                                   profile is compacted and made up
        health and quality over time.                                              of fine soil particles.  Mineralization is
                                                                                   the conversion of organic mater into
        surface or a bare surface. That’s    the compost at 250 tons per acre      useful nutrients.  Organic matter is
        why we have 50 acres of production   each time we plant and give it one    quite variable in that the process can
        land set aside for grass.  There is an   more pass with the spade plow to   take one year for chicken manure
        operational downside to 50 acres of   mix the mineral rich deep soil with   and up to 10 years for horse manure.
        grass.  I estimate it costs us $1900 in   the compost.                     Mineralization in soil science is when
        labor equipment and fuel to mow      The low RPM machine gently            the chemical compounds in organic
        the farm one time.  Yet, if we prevent   cultivates the soil while maintaining   matter decompose or are oxidized
        the loss of thousands of tons of soil,   the particle size. A desirable soil   into plant-accessible forms of
        we work so hard to build and achieve   is made of particles, not just fine   nutrition. In other words, OM converts
        the benefit of higher water infiltration,   grains of sand, silt, and clay. This   to plant food through the process of
        it’s a win.
                                             is called friability. Friable soils have   mineralization.
        Tillage Techniques — Protecting      a crumbly structure that promotes     A grower must invest in ways to
        Soil Health and Structure            microbial activity and root growth.   “manufacture” topsoil to replace
                                             It is characterized by large clumps
         For soil preparation we use a low                                         the soil lost with each plant that is
        RPM spade plow that goes down        that break easily and smaller         sold. The goal is to avoid a decline
        twenty inches. The first pass levels   aggregates that are harder to       in soil health and quality over time.
        and fills holes left behind from     break. If we have that kind of soil   If we don’t do anything other than
        harvesting and incorporates surface   structure, we don’t want to destroy   continue to plant and harvest, plant
        debris into the soil. Then we apply   it by breaking it down into fine     and harvest, all the rich soil is going
                                                                                   to leave the nursery forever with
                                                                                   the plants that are harvested and
                                                                                   shipped to other locations.

                                                                                   I like to say the soil is not ‘lost’ it just
                                                                                   finds a new home. A

                                                                                     Jerry Faulring
                                                                                     Waverly Farm
                                                                                     1931 Greenfield Road
                                                                                     Adamstown, MD 21710

          Soil finding a new home                                                    310-874-8300

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