Page 186 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 186

First term 2025                                                Experience in English

 Prefix/Suffix      Function          Examples

-ness                ‫ تحول من صفة الً اسم‬happiness / mindfulness
                    ‫ تحول من ظرؾ الً صفة‬calmly / deeply / quickly / luckily

            do      a test                            ‫ٌؤدي اختبار‬
            have    a test                              ‫لدٌه اختبار‬

            choose  friends                         ‫ٌختار أصدلابه‬

            go      home                              ‫ٌذهب للمنزل‬
            paly    a sport / a game  ‫ٌمارس رٌاضة – ٌلعب مباراة‬
            feel    better
            do      better                          ‫ٌشعر بالتحسن‬
                                                   ‫ٌؤدي أداء جٌدا‬

mental health the health of your mind, or how happy you are        ‫الصحة العملٌة‬
                                                               ‫يرًُش ػهي الاَرشَد‬
cyberbully(v) say unkind or cruel things about someone online
                                                                ‫ ٌشمل على‬/ ‫ٌضم‬
Include(v)  allow or want someone or something to be
             part of something                                       ‫ نكتة‬- ‫يمزح‬
joke(v)     say something to make people laugh                             ‫يرُفظ‬
            take air in and out of your body                             ‫يغرشخي‬

relax       become more calm and less worried or make                     ‫مشاعر‬
feelings    someone feel this                                              ‫الٌمظة‬
                                                                     ‫الحرص التام‬
              what you feel, such as happy, upset, etc.

mindfulness being able to relax by calmly thinking about
                 your feelings and what is around you
                 at the moment

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