Page 191 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 191

First term 2025                                                 Experience in English

‫إثبات‬                   ‫إستطاع‬                    ‫فاعل‬           could    ‫… مصدر‬
  ً‫نف‬                   ‫لم ٌستطع‬                 ‫فاعـل‬          couldn’t            …
                      ‫هل إستطاع‬                 Could
‫سؤال بهل‬                                        could              ‫فاعل‬             …
                           Wh.                                     ‫فاعل‬
  ‫سؤال بأداة أستفهام‬

                      I, he, she, it            was / wasn’t    able to + ‫مصدر‬                 …
                      you, we, they
                      Was / Were                were / weren’t                                 …
                      Wh. + was / were          ‫فـاعـل‬                                         …
                                                ‫فـاعـل‬                                         …

1) We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.
2) As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.

3) I could go to parties when I was young.       = I was allowed to go to parties in general.

4) Ali could swim, so he was able to save the boy from drowning.

5) He couldn’t / wasn’t able to play chess when he was younger.
6) She couldn’t / wasn’t able to finish the book.

1) You could get a better job if you speak a foreign language.

2) I wonder if I could use your mobile.
3) Could you get me a cup of coffee, please?

4) Could I carry this bag for you?               We could go to the cinema.

5) Nada could be at home now.( I’m not sure. )   My brother could be rude sometimes.

Mr. Hatem El Sherif                         191                 01100049437
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