Page 195 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 195

First term 2025                                          Experience in English

tell me what to do               ‫ أخثشَي يارا أفؼم‬talk about       ٍ‫يرذذز ػ‬

without interrupting             ً‫ دون مماطعت‬go on                 ‫ٌستمر‬
make coffee
make you feel                    ‫ ٌصنع لهوة‬unhappy about           ‫حزٌن بشأن‬
make question
do more good work                ....‫ ٌجعلن تشعر‬in the mirror      ‫فً المراة‬
look so good
do something else                ‫ ٌكون أسبلة‬agree on               ً‫ٌتفك عل‬
first of all
get ready                ‫ ٌعمل مزٌد من الجهد‬help with              ً‫ٌساعد ف‬
get better
                                 ‫ ٌبدو جٌد جٌدا‬meet up with        ‫ٌلتمً مع‬

                                 ‫ ٌعمل بشا أخر‬cope with a problem ‫ٌتعامل مع مشكلة‬

                                 ‫ لبل كل شا‬interrupt someone ‫ٌماطع حدٌث شخص‬

                                         ‫ ٌستعد‬give an advice      ‫ٌمدم نصٌحة‬

                                         ‫( ٌتحسن‬have ) a terrible day ‫ٌمضً ٌوما سٌبا‬

Word       meaning               Synonym      Antonym              meaning
ask                                                                           ‫ٌرد‬
older                    ‫ ٌسأل‬question / inquire respond / answer
clearly                                                                ‫أصؽر سنا‬
depressed                ‫ أكبر سنا‬elder       younger                        ‫ٌشن‬
explain                  ‫ بوضوح‬obviously      doubtfully                   ‫مبتهج‬
interrupt                                                                   ً‫ٌخف‬
                         ‫ محبط‬frustrated      cheerful / happy              ً‫ٌخف‬
                         ‫ ٌعرض‬exhibit         hide

                         ‫ ٌشرح‬clarify         obscure

                         ‫ ٌماطع‬disturb        continue

cope with manage or be able to do something, although it is difficult ‫ٌتعامل مع‬

filter something on a camera or computer that can change the way  ‫فلتر معدل الصور‬
                                                                       ‫ٌماطع الكلام‬
        something looks                                                      ‫تفاهم‬

Interrupt stop someone from speaking or doing something              ‫يشؼش تانٕدذج‬

           by suddenly speaking

understanding(n) showing that you understand a person's feelings

                 and situation

lonely     unhappy because you are not with other people

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