Page 195 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 195
First term 2025 Experience in English
tell me what to do أخثشَي يارا أفؼمtalk about ٍيرذذز ػ
without interrupting ً دون مماطعتgo on ٌستمر
make coffee
make you feel ٌصنع لهوةunhappy about حزٌن بشأن
make question
do more good work .... ٌجعلن تشعرin the mirror فً المراة
look so good
do something else ٌكون أسبلةagree on ًٌتفك عل
first of all
get ready ٌعمل مزٌد من الجهدhelp with ًٌساعد ف
get better
ٌبدو جٌد جٌداmeet up with ٌلتمً مع
ٌعمل بشا أخرcope with a problem ٌتعامل مع مشكلة
لبل كل شاinterrupt someone ٌماطع حدٌث شخص
ٌستعدgive an advice ٌمدم نصٌحة
( ٌتحسنhave ) a terrible day ٌمضً ٌوما سٌبا
Word meaning Synonym Antonym meaning
ask ٌرد
older ٌسألquestion / inquire respond / answer
clearly أصؽر سنا
depressed أكبر سناelder younger ٌشن
explain بوضوحobviously doubtfully مبتهج
interrupt ًٌخف
محبطfrustrated cheerful / happy ًٌخف
ٌعرضexhibit hide
ٌشرحclarify obscure
ٌماطعdisturb continue
cope with manage or be able to do something, although it is difficult ٌتعامل مع
filter something on a camera or computer that can change the way فلتر معدل الصور
ٌماطع الكلام
something looks تفاهم
Interrupt stop someone from speaking or doing something يشؼش تانٕدذج
by suddenly speaking
understanding(n) showing that you understand a person's feelings
and situation
lonely unhappy because you are not with other people
Mr. Hatem El Sherif 195 01100049437