Page 197 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 197
First term 2025 Experience in English
the media وسابل الإعلام There is a belief that traditional mass media
the press ( الإعلام والتلفزٌون والصحؾ is dying.
) والمجلات
الصحافة ( كل المطبوعات-The president spent an hour briefing the
) الإخبارٌة كالجرابد والمجلاتpress on his latest policy.-
(be) proud of + (ing / n. ) فخور بI am proud of my father.
I am proud of being Egyptian.
(be) proud to (inf.) I am proud to be Egyptian.
(be) proud that + جملة
I am proud that I am Egyptian.
last (adj. / adv. / n. / pro. ) ً الماض-Did you see the news on TV last night?
الأخٌر-We had a test and I was last in the class.
last (v.)
latest (adj.) (n.) أخر مرة-He last saw him ten years ago!
ٌستمر/ ٌدومThe meeting lasted two hours.
الجدٌد/ الأحدث-Have you seen her latest movie ?
-Have you heard the latest ?
: What are teenagers worried about?
: They are worried about some problems like appearance, abilities and
: I am embarrassed about being so tall.
: You shouldn’t feel bad about being tall. Your height is a positive thing!
: For me, exams are a problem. I get very anxious about them.
: I guess we’re all good at different subjects, and not so good at others.
: Cyberbullying is a problem, too.
: You should tell a teacher or a parent.
Mr. Hatem El Sherif 197 01100049437