Page 51 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 51

First term 2025                                                           Experience in English

Adjectives comparison               superlative                           ‫ملاحظات‬

happy       happier than the happiest                                         ‫صفة ذات ممطعٌن ومنتهٌة‬
heavy                                                                          ( i ) ً‫ ( تملب ال‬y ( ‫بـ‬
easy        heavier than the heaviest
                                                                                 er / est ‫وٌضاؾ‬
            easier       than the easiest
       1. Amira is a happy girl.                                              the best
       2. Amira is happier than her brother.                                  the worst
       3. Amira is the happiest girl in the family.                           the least
                                                                              the most
            )ً‫(تحفظ كما ه‬                                                      the farthest
                                                                               the furthest
Adjectives               ‫ بصحة جٌدة‬/ ‫جٌد‬                    comparison
 good / well             ‫ بشكل سٌا‬/ ‫سٌا‬                     better than
 bad / (badly - adv.)                                       worse than
 little                               ‫للٌل‬                  less than
 many / much / a lot of               ‫كثٌر‬                  more than
                                                            farther than
far ) ‫ مكان‬farther ‫بعٌد مسافة (مكان‬                         further than

                          ) ‫ إضافً (اسم معنوي‬/ ‫ كثٌر‬/ ‫بعٌد‬

       1. Ali is a good student.

       2. Ali is better than Sami.

       3. Ali is the best student in our class.

       4. More droughts mean worse fires than ever before.

       5. The Red Pyramid is farther / further away than the Great Pyramid.

       6. Call me if you need further information.                        ( NOT: … farther … )

       7. If you have further problems, let me know. ( more problems )

Adjectives  more             ‫صفة طوٌلة‬                      than   the most  ‫صفة طوٌلة‬
            less                                            than  the least
useful      more         useful                             than  the most   useful
boring      more         boring                             than  the most   boring
beautiful   more         beautiful                          than  the most   beautiful

interesting more interesting                                than  the most interesting

English is an interesting language. English is more interesting than Spanish.

English is the most interesting subject.

Mr. Hatem El Sherif                                         51               01100049437
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