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P. 52

First term 2025                                       Experience in English

                                                      ‫ تكوٌن السؤال فً صٌؽة الممارنة‬. 1

1. Shady is younger than Ali.
   Who is younger than Ali?
   Who is younger, Shady or Ali?

2. English is more interesting than Spanish.
   Which language is more interesting than Spanish?
   Which is more interesting, English or Spanish?

                 . ‫ ضمٌر مفعول كطرؾ ثانً أو ضمٌر مفعول بشرط أن ٌتبعه فعل أو جملة‬than ‫ ٌأتً بعد‬. 2

3. Amira is happier than me.
4. Amira is happier than I am.
5. This TV is a bit smaller than what I want.
6. The rain is heavier than it used to be.

                 . ً‫ فً حالة عدم ذكر طرؾ الممارنة الثان‬than ‫ ٌمكن استبدال صٌؽة الممارنة بدون‬. 3

8. This book is bad, but the other book is worse.
9. Ali is intelligent, but Sami is more intelligent.

                           . ‫ لوصؾ كٌؾ ٌتؽٌر الشا وبٌان الفرق بٌن الشٌٌبن‬than ‫ ٌمكن استخدام صٌؽة الممارنة بدون‬.4

10. The climate in Australia is becoming hotter and drier.
11. The river is dirtier and more polluted.

                                                                                 ‫تكوٌن السؤال فً صٌؽة التفضٌل‬
1. Shady is the youngest boy in class.
Who is the youngest boy in class?
2. English is the most interesting of all.
Which subject is the most interesting?

                                        only, some next ‫ لبل الاعداد الترتبٌة و‬the ‫ تستخدم‬.2

3. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
4. This is the only pen I’ve got.
5. We went to the same school.

                                                ‫` الملكية‬s ‫ من الاعداد الترتبية بعد صفة الملكية أو‬the ‫ تحذف‬. 3

6. Imhotep is known as the world’s first genius.
7. She is writing her second book.

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