Page 12 - كورس مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
P. 12

a) watch       b) didn't watch c) to watch                   d) watched

4- I prefer using a keyboard............with a pen

a) to writing  b) to write      c) rather write d) than write

.5- I'd rather speak to him in person......things over the phone

a) to discussing b) to discuss  c) than discuss d) than discussing

6- Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer……… the mountains.

a) walk        b) not to walking c) to walking               d) walking

7- I'd rather all my classmates ... ........ . calm during the lessons.

a) stayed      b) to stay       c) staying                   d) stay

.8- I'd rather Ramy …………….his father's car yesterday.

a) isn't taking b) didn't take  c) hadn't taken d) doesn't take

..9- Most of my friends take the bus to school, but I prefer…….

a) to walking  b) to walk       c) walked                    d) walk

..10- I would rather ……….. ash on my tongue than blood in my mouth

a) to taste    b) tasted        c) tasting                   d) taste

12-rise ( -  - ‫داد‬ -- ‫ء م‬   –  – ‫ق‬ ) ‫ل‬  
The sun rises in the morning. - Why do you think prices rise so high ?
- He rose quickly and left the meeting.
raise (-‫ت‬  - – ) ‫ل‬ 
- Farmers raise cattle. - Raise your hand . - We want to raise money for the orphans ?

Arise ( arose /arisen) (‫ﯾﻧﺷﺎ ﻻ ﯾﺎﺗﻰ ﺑﻌدھﺎ )ﻣﻔﻌول‬/‫ﯾظﮭر‬/ ‫ﯾﺣدث‬

A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.
A lot of social problems arise due to poverty and destitution

Arouse( arouse/arouse) ‫ﯾﺛﯾر )ﯾﺳﺑب رد ﻓﻌل ﻣﻌﯾﻧﺎ او ﻋﺎطﻔﺔ ﻟدى اﻟﻧﺎس ( وﯾﺎﺗﻰ ﺑﻌدھﺎ ﻣﻔﻌول‬

His strange behavior aroused my suspicions.

1.A lot of social problems ……… due to poverty and destitution .

a.arise        b.arouse         c.raise                      d. rise

2-The captain of the winning team ............ the cup in the air .

a-rose         b-raised         c- arose                     d- aroused

3- The temperature ......... to nearly forty degrees yesterday .

a-rose         b-raised         c-arose                      d- aroused

4.The inspector said that standards at the school had to be ………………

a) rose        b) aroused       c) arose                      d) raised

5- Prices …………… phenomenally all over the world.

a raise        b rise                               c arise              d arouse

6.Low achievement at school often ……from poverty and bad social conditions.

a raises       b rises                              c arises             d arouses

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