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bbq hacks
Simple Recipe For BBQ Safety
Whether it's BBQ in the Backyard, Competition or Restaurant — CLEAN is Essential
 Ben Que’n
BBQ Tips & Tricks
 Ben Que ’n's first introduction to extreme cleanliness came after a family member became ill from a food born illness. The doctor told us it was essential that everything which
came in contact with the patient be clean. The
doctor's advice and recipe were both simple — hydrogen peroxide.
Since that day, a simple hydrogen peroxide mix- ture has been our cleaner/sanitizer of choice. The patient just happened to be an avid BBQ cook and all of his gadgets and tools of the trade had to be cleaned and sanitized to prevent any others from catching his bug.
Facts About Hydrogen Peroxide
There are four different concentrations of this
chemical that are used frequently in the United
States. Household versions of hydrogen peroxide
are commonly found in drugstores and supermar-
kets with a density of three percent hydrogen
peroxide. Beauty salons use a mix between six
and ten percent concentration to bleach hair. A
35% mixture can be found in some "food grade"
manufacturing plants but will usually be mixed
with water to create a much less potent mixture.
This mix is often used to clean processing ma-
chines, tables, and tools. Some other industries across America use combinations up to 90 percent and are very hard to find. The Center for Disease Control website states, "Commercially avail- able 3% hydrogen peroxide is a stable and effective disinfectant
when used on inanimate surfaces."
Our Experience
Our go-to recipe uses the standard household version that is readily available and mixed with 50% water. On highly used objects where con- tamination is possible, we use the household ver- sion without any water. When you go to the bathroom, finish up by spraying the commode and sink with a little mist of the 50% mixture. We also spray our hands and nails before rinsing with water. No bleach or cleaner smell and the germs will be attacked immediately. With every- one participating in this process it will assure you that you, and every restroom visitor, will be greeted to a clean and safe environment. For many restaurant goers — a dirty bathroom is also a sign of a possible dirty kitchen. Just sayin'...
As a restaurant or homeowner, the standard household version of hydrogen peroxide is cheap and readily available. You can even find 50-gallon drums for commercial use. Remember ... it kills bacteria ... the thing that can make you, your cus- tomers, or your friends sick. As cooks go about their duties of chopping, mixing, and cutting
their final step in the cleaning process should be the quick mist of 50/50 hydrogen peroxide mix. Let it stand for those cleansing bubbles to do their thing, then wipe clean with a dry cloth. If every employee and restaurant owner did this — the entire place would be as clean as it looks. Make this a habit and your risk of food born illness goes way down.
Grease is part of most kitchens and a massive part of all things BBQ and grilling. Hydrogen peroxide has nearly the same chemi- cal makeup as water but with an additional oxygen atom, which helps it break down quickly and harmlessly. It works reasonably well as a degreaser on backsplashes, glass, and mirrors. Our mix has proven to be safe on our countertops, tabletops, and floors as a disinfectant — all without the smell often accompanied with bleach-based cleaners.
Our habit of keeping things clean and safe will continue this com- ing year as our 30th Anniversary Tour travels around the country. You can rest assured we will have plenty of our favorite cleaning recipe mixed and being used in and around the trailer.
Happy Que’n and we hope this helps keep you safe.
   If You Can Dream It... We Can Build It!
Cajun Custom Cookers, LLC. 701-740-5466 - 10

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