Page 20 - October 2021 Issue
P. 20

 UBER EATS – All Things Delivery
Join long-time NBBQA member, Shawn Walchef of Cali Comfort BBQ and the Uber Eats team as they do an amazing panel discussion of how Shawn’s restaurant survived when Covid-19 hit, as well as great tips for div- ing all in with social media, podcasts, maximizing his takeout revenue cen- ters. Learn how Uber Eats can partner with businesses to help them be successful in a crisis or running your business every day. You will hear what changes came about
through Covid-19 and how delivery was thrust to the forefront. Learn how Points of Sale, marketing, menus changed. You will see how community in- volvement and giving back comes full circle and increases your brand’s credibility and recogni- tion.
Legacy Productions
We became familiar with Legacy Productions during our virtual Awards of Excellence back in March. In this session, you are going to learn all the Do’s and Don’ts of Zoom seminars/presentations/or business meetings. Along with how to put on a conference or meeting for attendees. Plus how to live stream, use Twitch for fundraising, and avoid pitfalls. Sometimes, what keeps businesses and individuals from producing their own content is they just don’t know where to begin. This session will help by showing you the best type of gear to use for social media. Or you can just call Legacy Productions to teach you or do it for you.
Look for them by going to the Member’s Resource section of our NBBQA website Again, if you aren’t a mem- ber yet, and would like access to these great sessions, as well as all the fu- ture ones, you can join now for as little as $99 a year
Watch these ses-
sions as often as
you would like.
This is only one
of the many rea-
sons to join
NBBQA. There’s
lots more. In-
cluding our next in-person event scheduled for November.
A wise person once said, “A day without learning is a wasted day.” This is why the Board is seeking to provide you with video presentations from pro- fessionals who are experts in their respective fields.
Awards of Excellence Submission Window is Now Open
As we enter the time to get our Awards of Excellence submissions sent, I got to thinking about how much I love award shows. It is the time when I get to see my favorite stars in both acting and music. I get to see celebs such as Clint Eastwood, Chris Stapleton and many others walk the stage to pick up their much-deserved awards. When an awards show is on, I order a pizza, grab a drink then sit down to be entertained. This is nothing com- pared to what others do, especially for the Oscars. Themed Academy
Awards parties break out for award enthusiasts, complete with red carpets, ball gowns and flutes filled with champagne.
Regardless of how you watch your favorite award shows, you look forward to those magical words, “And the winner is...” All the persons hard work for the past year culminates to these words. Sure, they get dressed up, eat fancy food, and have some fun but they do not lose sight as to why they are in this grand hall. They are anticipating their name being called after hear-
ing, “And the winner is.” When they hear their name called and the person takes to the lectern, they give their acceptance moving speech thanking everyone from their mom to their fans. The part I enjoy is when they are so happy because they recognize all their hard work has been rewarded.
Reflecting on what it takes to hear one’s name at the awards show, I think about all it takes to get there. No matter what the path, acting, music, or even BBQ, they all have common ground which leads to hearing their name after those words, “And the winner is...”
You Must First Create
There was some talk a couple of years ago about recasting “Indiana Jones” for some new movies. Harrison Ford made a public statement, which showed his displeasure with the idea. His statement was simply, “There is only one Indiana Jones, and I am him.” That sentiment is pretty much how everyone, who’s a Raiders of the Lost Ark fan feels. This is nothing new though. Rarely is a remake as good as the original (for reference think about the Pyscho and Ghostbusters remakes). The reason for this is the ac- tors and moviemakers have created something unique which has embed- ded in our minds what it should be. If a screenwriter didn’t create the story, there would be no award-winning.
To become an award winner, it all begins here with creating something unique. I was in a group listening to a rub producer who basically said this exact sentiment. Creating something unique usually doesn’t just happen. I was speaking with a chef recently about his rub and he told me he has spent several years tweaking his recipe to get it right where he wanted it to be. A grill developer was telling me virtually the same thing when the con- cept for a new grill was discussed two years before it hit the market. From
a writer’s perspective, you don’t just sit down to write an article or book. There’s research, edits and finding a publisher, to put it in a nutshell. “And the winner is...” begins here.
You Must Believe
Actors, musicians and others may have created something, but do they be- lieve in their creation and even themselves enough to take it farther? Look at Ron Howard (Opie from The Andy Griffith Show), if didn’t believe he
could be a director, then we may not have some of the great movies we love. He had to overcome being Opie or Richie Cunningham but because of his belief in what he does, we’ll forever know him as an award winning di- rector.
When one sets out on a new endeavor, they are often told, “If you do not believe in what you’re doing, then how can you expect others to believe in what you’re doing.” Believing in your product is the natural next step in be- coming an award winner. What you have created may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but if you do not believe, then you’ve lost already. One of my favorite stories of believing in yourself and your product is how Brad Barrett introduced GrillGrate to the world of outdoor cooking. From event to event he would go even to the point he would sleep in his car. “And the winner is...” comes from belief in yourself and your product. - 18

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