Page 21 - October 2021 Issue
P. 21

 You Must Have Passion
and for those few who do take this road, it will make all the difference.
When you listen to your favorite celebrity’s story of what their life was like prior to making it big, it culminates in one word, passion. They may have belief in their abilities, but it is the passion they have that pushes them through the rough times. When they get turned down for a role they wanted and must go back to waiting tables, passion keeps them going. You’ve all heard of “the struggling artist” but they keep going because of the passion they have in their art. Belief just isn’t enough to get one to the end, it’s the passion that carries you through the tough times.
You made your creation. Your friends have told you how great it is, and you believe them because you have a great product. The question which re- mains is, do you have the passion it requires to take your product to the next level and become an award winner? This will make the difference be- tween your creation being a family favorite and becoming a national name. This passion will take you through the obstacles and find a way around any roadblock in your way. Then you’ll know when you hear “And the winner is...” wouldn’t have happened without your passion.
You Must Enter
Every musician or actor knows, if they want to win an award, then they must enter. Enter the profession. Enter the race. Enter the trials it takes. Enter the highs and the lows of moving forward. We’ve all heard the phrase, “You can’t win if you don’t enter.” This is usually in reference to a contest but there is so much more to than just putting your name in a hat. Robert Frost, in his poem, The Road Not Taken, ended it with these words, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This is true when it comes to entering.
Many have great ideas but never create. Many create but don’t believe in themselves or their product. Many may even believe but lack the passion it takes to move forward. To enter, with all it entails, is the road less traveled
You have worked hard this past year with all the struggles it held both per- sonally and professionally. But what you created is worth celebrating. Your belief in what you’ve done is to be validated. Your passion needs to be re- warded. So, get your Awards of Excellence ready and then get them sub- mitted then you will hear “And the winner is...”
In Person Event
As promised, we have put together an in-person event for the fall. NBBQA invites all members and competitors for the 2nd annual Whole Hog Com- petition, November 12th and 13th in Byhalia, MS. This is a joint effort with Sweet Swine o' Mine, NBBQA and the SCA. Details of this event will be posted on SCA’s website next week. We will have several opportunities for competitors to sign up and join the fun. You can sign up for one, or all of the following, or just come and watch.
1. Whole hog
2. SCA steak and World Champion qualifier. 3 rounds total
3. Three Ancillary contests: Whole Hog Leftover, Bloody Mary, and Thanks- giving Theme
We will have demonstrations, raffles, and special drawings for NBBQA members only. Not a member, join here ship-information.
Want to participate? We are accepting equipment, product or services to use for the giveaways or raffles. And/or If you/company are interested in doing a demonstration, please email us at tell us what you want to do, and our team will get back with you with the details. Sign up for the Steak and Whole hog cook here:
  Join Now
Memberships start at $99 per year
 OCTOBER 2021 - 19

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