Page 22 - October 2021 Issue
P. 22

bbq podcasts
Best BBQ
 Ben Arnot
BBQ Podcast Guru
 Yoni Levin was a man with a dream. Now podcast. And a dream. A dream to have a BBQ. But where did it all begin?
It all started for Yoni back in 2016. He had a copy of Daniel Vaughn’s ‘The Best 50 BBQ Joints in the World’, from Texas Monthly Magazine. I like to think he was reading it in the bathroom when the idea struck him, but that might just be because that’s where I get all my good ideas. And the idea was pretty straight forward.
he’s a man with a podcast about
cluding pitmasters like Ernest Servantes from Burnt Bean Co., Brian Mays of Sam’s BBQ, and Bradley Robinson from Chud’s BBQ. And let’s not forget the one and only Miss
Tootsie. And after all this time, he’s dis- covered one thing that unites them all: a passion for meat and fire.
Yoni carries this passion into his show and it’s evident when you listen to his show. His style is very laid back. You can hear that he’s 100% wrapped up in the conversation that he’s having with his guest, hanging on their every word. And that’s what makes this show so special - you feel like you are part of these inti- mate conversations with these titans of the BBQ industry. You find yourself as wrapped up in the conversation as Yoni is.
Travel restrictions have obviously slowed Yoni’s progress through all the best BBQ joints in the country, so episodes are released somewhat sporadi-
cally at the moment. That said, with over 150 episodes to choose from, averaging an hour in length each, there’s plenty on the menu for you to choose from. So grab your favourite device and hit up Yoni’s Best BBQ Show. You can
catch it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. He’s also got a YouTube channel where he posts up some interesting videos, so make sure you check that out too. Here’s to Texas BBQ - the Best BBQ in the world!
 Yoni decided that he would grab himself
an audio recorder and a microphone and
head to each and every one of the BBQ
joints on that list. He would book a time
to meet with the owners and pitmasters.
He’d arrive early and buy some of the
food, sit and eat, and when service was
over, he’d switch on his audio recorder and interview the owner or pitmaster. And boy, did that idea pay off!
His initial run of 50 episodes has now extended to 157 episodes and his show has taken him all over the mighty United States. Starting in Texas, he’s followed the spread of Texas BBQ into
other states and studied the variances and different spins that different pitmasters have put on the smoked meats. He’s inter- viewed guests that are at the absolute top of their game, in- - 20

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