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different alternative choices. The greater the amount of a person's income will encourage
                       him to fulfill his needs according to higher alternative standards.
                     Social status and community environment
                     A person's social status or role in society can make a difference in determining their
                       priorities. A person who lives in a luxurious residential area or has a higher social status
                       tends to have a higher alternative priority scale compared to other areas.
                     Family role
                     As with social status and community environment, roles in the family can also cause
                       differences in prioritization. The priorities of the head of a household will be different
                       from those of a child. The head of the household has a higher priority scale for family
                       health insurance, children's education costs, or household needs than fulfilling his

                       personal needs such as hobbies or other desires.
               How to Set Priority Scale

               In managing finances, everyone must know how to arrange a priority scale from the income
               earned every month, so that finances can be controlled properly. There are 5 (five) things that
               must be considered first in compiling a priority scale, including: The level of urgency, personal
               ability (financial), opportunities owned, future considerations, considerations in shopping.

                Benefits of Developing a Priority Scale

               Making a list of priorities in managing finances will bring many benefits and help a person avoid
               implusive behavior and financial problems, here are 3 (three) important benefits in compiling a
               priority scale: Help control finances, fulfillment of needs according to ability, reference to a
               calmer life.

               E.Definition of Financial Management

               Financial management or financial management is planning, organizing, directing, and
               controlling financial activities such as procurement and utilization of business funds. according
               to Anwar (2019: 5) financial management is a discipline that studies the financial management of
               companies both in terms of finding sources of funds, allocating funds, and sharing company
               profits. Literally financial management (financial management) comes from the word
               management which means managing and finance which means things related to money such as
               financing, investment and capital.So if it is concluded that financial management can be
               interpreted as all activities related to how to manage finances starting from obtaining funding
               sources, using funds as best as possible to allocating funds to investment sources to achieve
               company goals.

               Financial Management Functions

               1. Financial Planning and Budgeting
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