Page 127 - PPP - Area 4
P. 127
Student Labourers. Interested students with at least an
average rating of “75%’ and with all subjects passing shall be
given a work; provided that the students concerned shall carry
not more than 15 units during the semester and six units
during summer.
Mr./Miss IFSU Scholarship
Mr./Miss IFSU is given free tuition fee for the semester following their
crowning as Mr./Miss IFSU. He/she can continue to be a scholar for the
succeeding semesters provided he/she maintains an average of 88% and above
without a grade lower than 80%.
Government Scholarships.
The University honour’s the scholarship from any of the national,
Provincial Scholarship/Assistance Programs.
National Integrated Student Grant Program (NISGP);
Selected Ethnic groups Educational Assistance Program
Barangay Scholarship Program (BSP)
Philippine Veterans Affairs (PVA);
Tertiary education Assistance Program (TEAP);
President Diosdado Macapagal Agrarian Scholarship Program
National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP);
CHED Scholarship under the Congressman;
Alliance of Volunteer educators (AVE);
Office of the President Assistance Program (OPAP);
TESDA Scholarship
Other newly approved government scholarships
Presidential Decree No. 577 Scholarship.
This decree provides the following:
1. Education benefit shall be extended to one dependent of military
personnel who die or become incapacitated in line of duty.
2. This benefit shall be good for ten (10) school years and it shall be
transferable to any of the dependents of the military personnel;
provided that it will not exceed ten (10) school years.
3. This benefit shall be without prejudice to other educational
benefits being enjoyed by the military personnel or his dependents,
provided that the grantee shall not enjoy more one (1) scholarship
at one time.
4. Grantees shall not be transferees from other school prior to grant
of their benefit. The scholarship is only for those who are graduating
from any school level to the next level.