Page 3 - NECT CI Manual 1
P. 3


         OF CONTENT

            01   NECT BRAND                                        06    DIGITAL MERCHANDISE

                         Brand Definition                                       Email Signature
                         NECT Sub- Brands                                       Newsletter
                         NECT Co-Branding                                       Social Media
                         Brand Blueprint/Structure
                                                                   07    PRINTED MERCHANDISE
            02   NECT LOGO
                                                                                A4 Folder
                         Logo Rational                                          Note Pad
                         Logo Guideline                                         Envelope
                         Logo Placement                                         Letterhead
                         Correct use of Logo                                    Business Cards
                         Incorrect use of Logo                                  Brochure
            03   COLOUR PALETTE                                                 Golf Shirt
                         Colour Breakdown                                       Name Badges

            04   BRAND TYPOGRAPHY                                  08    POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

                         Typeface Application                      09    NECT ELEMENTS
                         Usage of Typeface
                         Typeface Hierarchy                                     Icon Description

                                                                                Icon Glossary
            05   PHOTGRAPHIC STYLE                                              NECT Elements

                         Photography Effects                       10    CI MANUAL LOOK AND FEEL

        National Education Collaboration Trust                                            Corporate Manual 2020        i
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