Page 41 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 41



 Oduro Nana Frimpong

 Oduro Nana Frimpong is from Accra Ghana, he is an artist
 that uses a camera to create art. Oduro’s work is pictured in
 black and white, which features content on human emotions
 and social issues.

 Oduro’s journey started in February 2018, at the time he
 only had his phone to take pictures. “Due to comments from
 friends and family, I decided to take it seriously and move on
 with it and so far it has been amazing.”

 Oduro mentioned his work is influenced by outstanding pho-
 tographers, names such as Irving Penn, Herb Ritts and Rich-
 ard avedon.

                                     // HOLD THE

                                     FRONT COVER

                                     Oduro Nana Frimpong

 MAGAZINE // 40                                                                                                      MAGAZINE // 41
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