Page 63 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 63




 Coyotes have been spotted on the Golden Gate
 Bridge in San Francisco. Deer are feeding near the
 White House in Washington and nearby the train
 stations in Japan. Wild boars have descended the
 hills in Barcelona, Spain, and in Bergamo, Italy.
 Peacocks have paraded through Bangor in Wales.
 Goats and sheep have been viewed on crossroads
 in Monmouthshire, Wales. Wild turkeys have been
 strolling the streets of Oakland, California. Dolphins
 in the Venice’s canals have been tirelessly popping
 up, while the sky is finally becoming again the arena
 of nature and the real protagonists of the spring are
 the flowers that colour the meadows and mountains
 of our planet.

 But this “hidden” world has always existed both
 apart from and alongside our civilization.
 While the media keeps reporting tragic death toll
 numbers and dramatic emergency situations due to
 the current pandemic, the trees are full of harmony,   We have visited and seen them before, and that famili-
 birds are singing again, and in the avian world, it is   arity carries with it a comforting promise of survival and
 easier to see how a worm can become an engage-  self-reflection. We have for a long time felt pessimistic
 ment ring.  about the fate of our Earth, but these visions of recovery,
 of a resurgence, make our civilization think hard. These
 Here is the different world we need right now, the   photos, this nature can go back to be our Eden, if we re-
 positive news that exists beyond the impulse to   ally want it.
 scroll through economic saving policies and non-
 stop lockdown updates.   Let’s not only fall within the impulse that this Covid-19
 pandemic is some sort of a revenge act by a violated na-
 The natural world’s perfect indifference to the   ture, or that nature is taking over what it has been denied
 dreadful  Coronavirus  has  always  been  the  best   by us and now reclaiming what is rightfully its own.
 beauty-cure for humanity’s crisis, but perhaps we
 have never been attentive. The beauty of this? That   Even if it is reasonably true, the more we view these vid-
 the natural world is everywhere, that every living   eos, the more they seem to fight the abstract forms of
 thing is pursuing its own naturally vital purpose.   pessimism and hopelessness. The images nature gives
 The great opportunity we have in this challenging   us is to open up the concrete possibility to imagine the
 moment is step outside and remember how it feels   new world that can resist when this crisis will be over, a
 to be part of something bigger and timeless, a world   perspective that is for us to reflect on how we relate to
 that always comes back to where it belongs, a world   the natural world, and to one another. Certainly, this pan-
 that reaches beyond us but still includes us.  demic has taken away so many things from us. It really is
 the time to respect nature more, to share the spaces our
 The videos and photos of the amazing nature   planet offers to everyone without claiming, stealing, nor
 flourishing in the most hidden and popular   appropriating them.
 corners of the world are promising.   What is happening right now deserves careful considera-
 MAGAZINE // 62  But the sudden truth of these videos and images is   tion, to turn this grieving situation into a great opportuni-  WWW.POWELLANDBARNSMEDIA.COM  MAGAZINE // 63

 ty to rebalance our habits and our lives.
 that we know these places.
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