Page 37 - Urban Kapital DECEMBER DIGITAL ISSUE
P. 37



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 Baroness Lola Young worked as a   (OBE) in the 2001 New Year Honours   Shadow Secretary of State for   The UK’s first black woman MP. Di-  Chi Onwurah is a British Labour   Paul Boateng is a British Labour
 professional actress until 1984, best   for services to British Black History.    International Development.  ane Abbott is also the longest serving   Party Politician who was elected at the   party politician. He has been an MP
 known for her role in Metal Mickey.   She was head of culture at the Greater   black MP in the House of Commons.   2010 general election as the Member   Brent South (1997-2005), becoming the
 She had previously been a residential   London Authority, following which she   In the 2015 General Election, Kate   Diane is a member of the Labour party;   of Parliament for Newcastle upon Tyne   UK’s first mixed-race Cabinet Minister
 social worker, she became co-director   was created a life peer in 2004 taking   Osamor stood as the Labour Party   she has held various positions in the   Central, succeeding the previous   in May 2002, when he was appointed
 and training and development manag-  the title Baroness Young of Hornsey   candidate for Edmonton, she obtained   cabinet. Born in Paddington to a work-  Labour  MP.  She  is  Newcastle’s  first   as Chief Secretary to the Treasury. He
 er at the Haringey Arts Council, where   of Hornsey in the London Borough of   25,388 votes, increasing Labour’s ma-  ing-class British Jamaican family,   black MP. She is currently Shadow   also served as the British High Com-
 she remained until 1989.  Haringey.   jority.   Abbott studied History at Cambridge   Minister for Industrial Strategy,   missioner for South Africa and became
 Lola Young was lecturer in media stud-  Osamor has served as the chair for   University.  She worked in the civil ser-  Science and Innovation, having been   a member of the House of Lords on 1
 ies at the Polytechnic of West London.   Bim Afolami was educated at   the All Party Parliamentary Group for   vice and as a reporter before becom-  appointed to the role in October 2016.   July 2010. Boateng was born in Lon-
 In the following she was lecturer, sen-  Bishopsgate School, Eton College and   Nigeria for approx. 4 years.  She  was   ing a press officer. Joining Labour, she   Onwurah’s mother was from Newcas-  don from a mixed Ghanaian and Scot-
 ior lecturer, principal lecturer, Profes-  University College, Oxford where he   appointed Shadow Secretary of State   was elected to Westminster City Coun-  tle. Onwurah graduated from Imperial   tish family. His education was carried
 sor of cultural studies and in the end   read Modern History. Before he be-  for International Development in 2016.  cil in 1982 and then as an MP in 1987.   College London in 1987. She worked in   out in Ghana to finally graduate at the
 Emeritus professor at the Middlesex   came an MP, he worked as a corpo-  On 2 October 2019, Abbott became the   hardware and software development,   University of Bristol.
 University. In 1995 she published Fear   rate lawyer. Member of Parliament   In 2019, she advocated the abolition of   first minority ethnic parliamentarian to   product management, market devel-
 of the Dark: Race, Gender and Sexuality   for Hitchin and Harpenden, He has de-  the monarchy when Queen Elizabeth II   represent  the  labour  party  when she   opment and strategy for a variety of   Boateng is currently the British High
 in Cinema. Young was appointed an Of-  scribed Winston Churchill as his ‘big-  approved Prime Minister Boris John-  stood in for Jeremy Corbyn in   mainly private sector companies in a   Commissioner to South Africa.
 ficer of the Order of the British Empire   gest hero.  son’s plan to suspend Parliament.  remembrance of Black History month.  number of different countries.

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