Page 39 - Urban Kapital DECEMBER DIGITAL ISSUE
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John Sentamu is an Anglican bish- Herman George Ouseley, is a British Baroness Howells of St Davids is a Gyimah is a British politician serving Grant is a British Conservative Party Patricia Scotland is a British Labour
op, serving as the 97th Archbishop parliamentarian, who has run public British Labour politician, who former- as the MP for East Surrey. First elect- politician. She has served as an MP for Party politician and barrister who
of York. Born near Kampala in pres- authorities, including local councils ly served as member of the House of ed as a Conservative, Gyimah rebelled Maidstone and The Weald. Grant was served in ministerial positions with-
ent-day Uganda, Sentamu studied law and is an adviser and reviewer of Lords. Having been awarded an OBE in against the government to block a no- the first black woman of mixed herit- in the UK Government, most notably
at Makerere University before gaining public services organisations. Lord the 1994 New Year’s Honours she was deal Brexit and had the Conservative age to be elected as a Conservative MP as the Attorney General for England
employment as an advocate. Ouseley has expertise in equality and made a Life peer as Baroness Howells whip removed in September 2019. He and selected as a candidate to stand and Wales and Advocate General for
Speaking out against the regime of diversity issues. He has been at the of St Davids, of Charlton in the London subsequently joined the Liberal Dem- for a Conservative-held parliamentary Northern Ireland. She was elected the
President Idi Amin, he was briefly im- forefront of challenging institutional Borough of Greenwich on 21 July 1999. ocrats. Gyimah was promoted to Par- seat. She first served in government 6th Secretary-General of the Common-
prisoned before fleeing in 1974 to the racism in organisations and is an ad- Howells was the first black woman to liamentary Under-Secretary of State. as jointly Parliamentary Under-Secre- wealth of Nations and took office on 1
United Kingdom s a migrant, where he vocate on behalf of individuals from sit on the GLC’s Training Board; the He served as the Minister for Universi- tary of State for Women and Equalities April 2016. She is the first woman to
devoted himself to Anglicanism. disadvantaged and deprived back- first female member of the Court of ties, Science, Research and Innovation and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of hold the post. She is a dual citizen of
grounds. He was also included in the Governors of the University of Green- from January 2018 until he resigned. State for Justice. She studied law at the United Kingdom and Dominica,
In 1996 he was consecrated as the 100 Great Black Britons. Lord Ouseley wich and was the Vice Chair at the He went to University of Oxford, where the University of Hull. Grant joined the where she was born. She obtained a
Bishop of Stepney and in 2002 moved was born in Guyana in 1945, and came London Voluntary Service Council. She he was elected President of the Oxford Labour Party in 2004. She joined the Bachelor of Laws from University of
to the position of Bishop of Birming- to England in 1957. He was educated has worked with the Carnival Liaison Union in 1997. He is currently a Liberal Conservatives in 2006. London as an external student. She
ham. In 2005 he was appointed to the at William Penn School and at Catford Committee, the Greater London Action Democrat Spokesperson for Business, She is currently the Minister for Sport now has the role of Secretary-General
position of Archbishop of York. College, where he gained a diploma in in Race Equality, and has been an ac- Energy and Industrial Strategy. and Tourism. of the Commonwealth.
municipal administration. (Retired). tive campaigner for justice in the field
of race relations.