Page 17 - Volume 19
P. 17

Third Annual Fire Chief’s Resource Symposium
September 23-24, 2017 marks OFCA’s third offering of the Fire Chief’s Resource Symposium at Deer Creek State Park in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. This increasingly
popular program is made available through the generous support of the Dominion Foundation. The two-day program provides the Fire Chief with a basic tool box of information, resources, and contacts that he/she can use to provide a solid foundation towards the operation of a successful fire department. It also serves as an opportunity to introduce the Fire Chief to the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association and the Ohio Fire & Emergency Services Foundation and the many services and benefits the association and foundation provide to its members. The symposium is held in conjunction with the annual OFCA Board Retreat. This allows OFCA board members to serve as instructors and the opportunity to spend time developing a mentor-type relationship with the Chiefs in their respective districts.
The two-day program includes the following modules: • Legal Issues
• Ethics
• Working with Elected Officials
• Responding to the Press
• Budget & Finance
• Data Collection & Usage
• MARCS & Emergency Response Plan
• State Fire Marshal and Emergency Medical Fire and Transportation Services • Resources of the OFCA & Professional Development
• How to Get Fired & Roundtable Discussion
Chief Jeff Klein, Chief Bill Houk, Chief Matt Noble, U.S. Representative Steve Chabot; seated: Chief Doug Witsken
OFCA Members Visit Capitol Hill
Each year in April, a delegation from the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association, Ohio State Firefighters’ Association, Ohio Society of Fire Service Instructors, and other representatives of the Ohio fire service travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with Ohio congressional delegates to discuss issues that pertain to the fire service and attend the Congressional Fire Services Institute dinner.
This year’s visit played an important role in protecting FY 2017 funding for federal fire programs, like the USFA and the grants programs. In addition, the OFCA’s letter of support for S. 829 helped to secure Senator Portman’s vote to reauthorize the FIRE and SAFER grant programs.
OFCA Members who made the trip included: OFCA President Chief Jeff Klein, OFE, OFC; OFCA Vice President Chief Bill Houk, OFE, OFC; OFCA Sergeant-at-Arms Chief Matt Noble, OFC; OFCA Past President Chief
Porter Welch, J.D., OFE, OFC; and now retired Chief Scott Skeldon, IAFC Great Lakes Ohio Representative. The OFCA, OSFA and the OSFSI collaborated to schedule meetings with the following legislators and/or their aides: Rep. Joyce Beatty; Rep. Steve Chabot; Rep. Warren Davidson; Rep. Bob Gibbs; Rep. Bill Johnson; Rep. Jim Jordan; Rep. Dave Joyce; Rep. Bob Latta; Rep. Jim Renacci; Rep. Tim Ryan; Rep. Steve Stivers; Rep. Pat Tiberi; Rep. Mike Turner; and Rep. Brad Wenstrup.
Thank you to those members who made the trip to advocate on behalf of the Ohio fire service and its members. u

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