Page 27 - Provet Cloud Basic Guide 11_2019
P. 27
Creating a new clinical note on a consultation:
Unapproved clinical notes
We have functionality for ‘unapproved clinical notes’ which is used mainly by universities. ‘Unapproved clinical
notes’ could also be used with new personnel requiring guidance in the practice process. ‘Unapproved clinical
notes’ are clinical notes which can be commented and must be approved by a senior person. ‘Unapproved
clinical notes’ are not visible on the patient’s medical journal until they have been approved.
For the hospital patients vital sign status can be followed in the consultation and in graphical format in the
patient file. The statuses that can be logged for patients can be customized by super users and the
functionality can be used for outpatients as well to track important information across multiple visits. Weight
is the most typical piece of data that we track in the status section. Some practices also track blood glucose
for diabetic patients for example.
Status fields in Provet Cloud which can be customized for each practice:
Choosing a diagnosis can be set to be mandatory. Default list of VeNom code diagnoses is available in Provet
Cloud and it can be replaced with a different diagnosis list if needed. Diagnoses can be recorded as
primary/secondary and final/differential.