Page 28 - Provet Cloud Basic Guide 11_2019
P. 28

Adding             a              diagnosis             to             a              consultation:


            The Diagnostics sections allows for the creation of laboratory and imaging requests. The requests created on
            a consultation  appear on the Laboratory and  Diagnostic  imaging dashboards  where  the staff  handling the
            requests can access them easily.

            Creating              a              diagnostic              imaging               request/referral:

            Requests for laboratory analyses and panels can be created in the consultation. The requests appear on the
            laboratory dashboard. Many laboratory analysers can be integrated with Provet Cloud. Integrated devices can
            receive the requests from Provet Cloud and send the results back to Provet Cloud after the analysis has been
            completed. Integration possibilities vary between different devices.

            If needed, one department can act as a central laboratory from which the other departments can then order
            tests from.

            Laboratory  requests  can  be  marked  urgent  and  haematology  and  microbiology  reporting  can  be  done  in
            appropriate formats for the large-scale laboratories.

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