Page 20 - Gazette du GDGSR N 01
P. 20
Beginning of the End
« -I forget and I don’t forget the time
when the world was in peace, there are
those who shop, those who walk, those
who play and those who work. People
prepare for their wedding, joy overwhelms
them, and others prepare the funeral of
their loved ones, carrying their broken
hearts in their hands. Families gathered
on one table
filled with the
finest food
and delicious
drinks, and
others are
filled with
loneliness in a
narrow house
that does not
suitable a L’élève Sara El Ouazzani, 3 ASC
young man in
his twenties. Students go to their schools
early in the morning, some of them
energetic, and some of them are whiny.
On the other hand, professors are
heading towards their departments with all
activity and positive energy, ready to
complete their work in the best way.
Friends gathered in a room playing and
having fun. Mosques are full of
worshipers who are eager to obtain the
pleasure and guidance of God and enter
his paradise and everyone fills his parents
and loved ones with kisses and hugs, and
no one thought that these actions, which
we were seeing somewhat trivial, we will
miss them one day. Until that day when
that little creature who turned the world
upside down and set terror in the hearts
of people all over this vast world.”
L’élève Ines Ouhidous, 3ASC
L’élève Douaa Drief, 3 ASC
p. 20