Page 159 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 159

Vogelhuber, Scheelen - What people really want

                       to direct those areas that really interest him, are of particular
                       importance  to  him  and  drive  him.  The  price  then  no  longer
                       plays the dominant role.
                    • In conflict situations, Profiling³ supports you in responding
                       to  the  person  or  persons  involved  in  the  conflict  in  a
                       manner appropriate to their type.
                    • With  unsympathetic  interlocutors  and  customers  -  there  are
                       supposed  to  be  some!  -  it  is  possible  to  create  a  pleasant
                       conversational climate on the relationship level in a manner
                       appropriate to the type. With likeable customers, this climate
                       is  created  automatically  -  with  unlikeable  customers,  you
                       should develop creativity.
                    • If  you  look  after  customers  according  to  their  type  and  with
                       profiling³, you build up intensive "we" relationships. These are
                       characterized  by  a  mutual  relationship  of  trust  in  which
                       "everything  fits  together.  This  is  reflected  in  customer
                       comments  such  as:  "I  have  been  working  with  ...  for  years
                       now.  for  years  now,  and  I  have  always  had  the  greatest
                       possible benefit from it."
                    • In  the  final  recommendation  phase,  you  can  make  each
                       customer  a  "driver-oriented"  offer,  i.e.  offer  them  the
                       prospect  of  a  reward  for  a  recommendation  that  suits
                    • You  achieve  effectiveness  at  all  levels  with  Profiling³.  You
                       align your products and service activities, your strategy, your
                       workflows  and  processes,  and  your  competencies  and
                       attitudes  in  such  a  way  that  you  can  provide  cordial,
                       personalized service to all your customers.

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