Page 47 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 47

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)

Silique (Bicarperally ovary)

The silique is an elongated fruit composed of two c
the characteristic fruits of the mustard family (Bra

capsule: Bi- or multicarpellary and is many seeded
Types of capsules

splitting along longitudinal slit through the septa (ventral
e.g., colchicum and linseed.


Splitting along the dorsal suture directly into the locules e

c-Septifragal: splitting along ventral and dorsal sutures

attached to central axis e.g., Datura.

d-Pyxis: Splitting along transverse slit i.e., open by lid. e.
e- Poricidal: The capsules may be opened by holes or po

so called porous e.g. Poppy capsule.

C‐ Schizocarpic or splitting fruits:

More than one carpel fused together in young state but wh
Cremocarp, Lomentum, Carcerulus and regma
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