Page 19 - final Practical handout PG 303-Cogno-2- 2024-2025
P. 19

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG 303)

fruits   Ammi visnaga Capsicum fruits                Colocynth fruits
‫ثم‬                                                        ‫ثمر الحنظل‬
         ‫ثمر الخله البلدى‬       ‫ثمرالشطه‬

                                The fruit is berry   Used part of fruit is the
                                oblong conical,      dried Pulp??
                                bilocular, axile     Easily broken globular
                                placentation         masses

pe.      Mostly mericarp
 dges    (small and ovoid).
ent 2ry



                                dull orange red to   White or pale
                                brownish red         yellowish, buff
         Slightly aromatic
                                                     intensely bitter
taste.   bitter taste.          Extremely fiery      persistent taste
ed with                         pungent taste

         Test for khellin:      Test for pungency:
         boil powdered Ammi     pungency destroyed
         visnaga with water,    by oxidizing agents
         and then take 1-2      as potassium
         drops of the           permanganate or
         decoction with solid   dichromate.
         KOH pellets, a rose    Test for capsaicin:
         red color is produced  red color with 66%
         within 2 minutes.      H₂SO₄

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