Page 59 - final report_Neat
P. 59
I was given to analyze the site its
surrounding, which area shall be suitable
for best view as the resort is place of
relaxation a place to spend holidays so
the placement of any block should be
such that it respond to the essence of
the site .
Maximum use of the site character is
main achievement in resort design .
so, I prepared analytical diagram of
the site as shown in figure.
Analyzed that which side of our site
had a view . N-E =mountain view , N-
W= Pokhara city view and S-W=
Pokhara airport view
After site analysis we move
on to the planning phase.
As we know all the
viewpoint then we started
testing which point of the
site gives the all three view
so that the restaurant area
and reception area (the
area that attracts the
people ) at last we find out
the area as marked in
figure with 270-degree