Page 27 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
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that allows distinct color and       The CM-26dG spectrophotometer  determine its particular production
         appearance measurements to be  can switch between Ø8mm and  needs. It can be easy to select an over-
         made using just one instrument. The  Ø3mm measurement areas for meas-  sophisticated solution to a relatively
         unit’s horizontal alignment means it  uring parts of different sizes. In addi-  basic application, and equally, it can
         can fit into narrow spaces.       tion, it is equipped with an illuminated  be tempting to cut corners and opt for
           It features a lightweight, ergonomic  viewfinder for accurate positioning on  something that delivers barely a mini-
         design to permit easy operation by  patterned subjects or small parts. The  mum of the necessary data.
         both right and left-handed users, and  instrument surfaces, which come in   The advantage customers have at
         has an optional Bluetooth and high-  contact with the measurement subject,  the present time is that, as shown
         resolution TFT color display.     are designed to minimize subject dam-  above, instrument suppliers now pro-
           “The CM-26dG portable spec-     age, giving repeatable results.    vide a range of options that allow a
         trophotometer offers unprecedented   CM-CT1 Configuration Tool soft-  user to customize a purchase. And, if
         accuracy/inter-instrument agreement  ware is available as a free download  business conditions require it, an up-
         (IIA), usually reserved for laboratory-  that allows users to create or write in-  grade to an existing instrument is easy
         grade instrumentation,” Konica Minolta  strument settings as well as compile  to buy, rather than abandoning a serv-
         says. “This precision will allow supe-  these into a file and share the data  iceable but currently under-perform-
         rior color communication throughout  within the supply chain to ensure in-  ing device.
         the supply chain from supplier to final  strument settings are consistent. This   In short, the ideal finished surface
         assembly. The inter-instrument agree-  permits filtering of stored data based  measurement instrument does not per-
         ment of the chromaticity value (aver-  on additional information (tagging), as  haps exist. But suppliers today can
         age for 12 BCRA color tiles) is within  well as image-based workflows for  provide progressively more capable
         E 0.12 for the CM-26dG spectropho-  easy and simple usage by operators  and easy-to-use gauges, without them
         tometer, an improvement of about 40  with limited instrument experience.   necessarily having the high price tags
         percent over previous models.”       Every industrial operation has to  they used to carry. n

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                                      CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG   27
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