Page 32 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 32

industrial finishing: E-COATING

                  Opposites Attract

         E-COATING – also known as electrodeposition coating, elec-  coat,” is returned to the tank, enabling the e-coat process
         trophoretic painting, electrocoating, and electropainting –  to achieve application efficiency rates above 95 percent.
         uses electrical current to deposit paint on a surface. It   Baking: After rinsing, the part is placed in a bake oven
         works according to the “opposites attract” principle.   that cures and cross-links the paint film to maximize its
            The process has been developed over the last 50 years,  performance properties. The minimum bake time is 20
         originally for applying an anti-corrosive coating over  minutes with a part temperature at 375 deg. F for most e-
         steel car bodies, says ClearClad Coatings, which offers    coat technologies.
         e-coat products. E-coating is also used for a wide range
         of consumer goods including hardware, jewellery, giftware,  ADvAnTAGES
         and eyeglass frames.                                One of the main advantages of e-coat, says e-coat service
            The benefit is the ability to paint high volumes of parts  provider Valmont Coatings, is the ability to get into hard-
         with a unique combination of decoration and protection.  to-reach places. The process ensures that any small holes,
         “Material utilization is close to 100 percent,” says ClearClad.  deep recesses or other areas inaccessible with conventional
         “This high production efficiency coupled with advanced  sprayers are evenly covered. Even the most complicated
         quality results in lower unit costs.”               shapes can be completely coated and parts can be more
                                                             densely packed on the rack to increase production rate.
         HOw IT wORkS                                          “E-coat is so effective, it is often used as a primer prior
         The e-coat process is divided into four main steps, says  to powder or liquid coating parts,” Valmont says. Products
         PPG Coating Services, which offers e-coat services.   can also be coated after final assembly.
            Pretreatment: The metal is cleaned and a phosphate is   In fact, e-coat technologies are categorized according to
         applied to prepare the surface for application of the    their primary use which is generally either as a primer or
         e-coat. This process is essential to achieving the perform-  as a topcoat, both of which PPG offers.
         ance requirements desired by product end users, PPG   Cathodic epoxy electrocoat is a popular primer technol-
         says. The most appropriate chemicals for cleaning and  ogy because of its superior adhesion and corrosion protec-
         phosphating must be chosen based on the type of metal  tion properties, PPG says, as well as its compatibility with
         to be processed. The most common pretreatment regimen  a wide range of liquid and powder topcoat materials. It
         for steel and iron parts is immersion in a high-quality  can also be used for single-coat applications where resist-
         zinc-phosphate system.                              ance to UV from sunlight is not a factor. The materials are
            Coating application: Coatings are applied to the    environmentally friendly and suited to parts with cure tem-
         pretreated metal in an electrocoat bath using precisely  peratures above 380 F, the company adds.
         calibrated process control equipment. “The e-coat bath   Anodic epoxy electrocoat materials also are commonly
         consists of 80 to 90 percent deionized water and 10 to 20  used as primers because their adhesion and corrosion re-
         percent paint solids,” PPG says. “The deionized water  sistance properties are generally better than some liquid
         acts as a carrier for the paint solids, which are under    paint primer materials, PPG says. Anodic epoxy e-coat
         constant agitation. The solids consist of resin – the back-  materials are well-suited to components coated as assem-
         bone of the final paint film, which provides corrosion  blies that contain heat-sensitive parts such as bearings
         protection, durability and toughness – and pigments,  and seals. The part temperature for curing can be as low
         which contribute color and gloss.”                  as 180 deg. F.
            Post-rinsing: This enhances the quality of the coating   Cathodic acrylic electrocoat materials are viable
         and enables the recovery of excess paint. During the    topcoat applications because they feature very good
         e-coat process, paint is applied to a part using a regulated  UV resistance, PPG says. They also perform well in
         amount of voltage to achieve the desired film thickness.  single-coat applications.
         Once the coating reaches the prescribed thickness, the part   Because e-coat technologies are typically restricted to
         “insulates” and the coating process slows down. As the  a single color, PPG recommends using cathodic acrylic
         part exits the bath, paint solids that cling to the surface are  e-coat as the primer for liquid or powder topcoat, or
         rinsed off to maintain application efficiency and aesthetics.  as a one-coat system for a primary product color when
         This residue material, which is called “drag out” or “cream  additional color options are required

         32   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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