Page 40 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 40


                      The solutions must be handled with care and many

                     factors such as chemical compatibility, pH, pressure,
                            temperature, and flow must be considered.

         acid chloride zinc, alkaline non-  pH controller for batch treatment    ual activation switch is standard and
         cyanide zinc, and cyanide zinc. Other  systems or continuous chemical   customized input signal is optional.
         applications include acid pickling,    feed. Both the Classic single head     “If utilizing a process control sys-
         anodizing, blackening, cleaning,   adjustable and fixed output pumps  tem, the S Series is your go-to pump,”
         chromating, post-anodize dye and seal-  are available as a tank system con-  Stenner says. Select from several
         ing, electro-forming, electropolishing,  sisting of a metering pump and    modes of operation and pump per-
         passivating, and zincating.        solution tank that is shipped pre-as-  formance indicators relevant to the
            Stenner Pump Company sells peri-  sembled for easy installation. Tanks can  specific application. Program features
         staltic metering pumps to accurately  also be purchased separately.   such as tube leak detection, tube
         inject brighteners or phosphates into   Stenner’s Econ OEM pump can be  change timer or transfer operation to
         plating baths.                     customized for easy integration into  a backup pump.
            Its Classic Series single head   controller enclosures. It is compact,   Platers and finishers have special
         adjustable pump can inject additives  economical and available in a variety  requirements when it comes to pump
         such as brighteners or phosphates for  of voltages, capable of metering plating  and filtration equipment. The solutions
         plating baths and acids or alkalis for pH  solutions with outputs of up to two  must be handled with care and many
         control of metal finishing wastewater.   gallons per hour, the company says.    factors such as chemical compatibility,
            “The SVP is a variable speed pump   The Econ OEM Batch pump is de-  pH, pressure, temperature, and flow
         that can be adjusted manually or    signed for dosing plating additives in  must be considered. Working with an
         operate via a 4-20mA signal for pH  precise amounts based on a pre-set run  experienced company will help you
         control systems,” Stenner says. Some  time from .01 seconds to 24 hours per  determine the right specs for each
         installations may use two Classic    activation. Outputs are available up to  component of your operation. n
         Series fixed output pumps wired to a  267 ounces per hour at 80 psi. A man-

         40   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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