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paint and coatings manufacturing: INTUMESCENT COATINGS
                    Blaze of Glory

               Intumescent Coatings Offer High Growth Opportunities

         INTUMESCENT COATINGS – typically paint on steel – act as  ChemQuest report says.
         a protective layer which works by chemical reaction gener-  The increase in volume and subsequent decrease in
         ated by heat, resulting in swelling and formation of an insu-  density slows the heating of the substrate, increasing the
         lating charred layer on the surface. They are a growing sub-  time before the steel itself begins to melt, says US Coatings.
         segment of industrial maintenance and protective coatings.  “Intumescents typically swell to 25 times their original thick-
            The Global Intumescent Coatings Market report by Mar-  ness when engulfed in flames. This expansion allows them
         ket Research valued the intumescent coatings market at  to provide a barrier between the flames and the steel that
         $852.35 million (US) in 2018. With projected growth at a  is exponentially larger than a coating that does not swell.”
         compound annual growth rate of 3.94 percent, the market   Increasing the thickness of an intumescent coating ap-
         will be worth an estimated $1.2 billion (US) by 2026.   plication increases the amount of swelling that will occur
            In addition, the Global Market Analysis for the Paint &  in the case of a fire.
         Coatings Industry (2015–2020) report released by the Inter-  “For example, if a 350 mil coating of a given intumescent
         national Paint and Printing Ink Council (IPPIC) and prepared  has been determined to have a fire rating of 1.5 hours, 700
         by ChemQuest Group, Inc., also looked at intumescent coat-  mils would theoretically be necessary to achieve a fire rating
         ings as a sub-segment of industrial maintenance and func-  of three hours,” says US Coatings. “In reality, though, added
         tional coatings which are formulated to provide protection  thickness is sometimes specified in certain areas such as curves
         for exterior and interior substrates against corrosion, abrasion,  and crevices, so something like a thickness of 750 mils may
         thermal, and chemical and ultraviolet (UV) degradation in  be required in order to achieve a three-hour rating.”
         both industrial and critical service environments.    When intumescent coatings come in single-component
            It says the demand for intumescent coatings is closely  formulas, they are much simpler to apply than dense concrete
         tied to construction spending. “The split between U.S.    and lightweight cementitious coatings and are therefore ac-
         residential and non-residential construction is 60/40,” the  companied by far lower labor costs, US Coatings says.
         ChemQuest report says. “Overall, the average growth in   “Additionally, since they are applied directly to steel, no
         total construction spending has been a robust 8.1 percent  gap is created in which moisture can sit and incite corrosion.
         over the last five years.”                          Intumescent coatings fight corrosion in much the same
            There is also significant demand for intumescent coatings  way as traditional protective coatings, the difference being
         in specialty coatings sub-segments, such as marine, trans-  their ability to swell and the much greater thicknesses at
         portation, onshore/offshore oil and gas production, and  which they are initially applied.”
         new industrial and commercial construction, the report   In new construction applications in the oil and gas in-
         continues. The increased use of lightweight materials for  dustry, a massive change moving toward OEM fireproofing
         transportation, modular homes, and insulation applications  was a trend noted by ChemQuest in 2015; whereas fire-
         is a key driver. Intumescent paints are increasingly used to  proofing in maintenance and repair applications, by com-
         protect spherical structures containing natural gas, perox-  parison, could be cost prohibitive. In older plants, installing
         ides, and other chemicals.                          intumescent coatings sometimes requires removing cemen-
            In new construction of commercial buildings, intumes-  titious structures (otherwise “hidden” corrosion behind the
         cent coatings incorporate flame-retardant chemicals to  concrete, which, left untreated, can put the cementitious
         achieve two distinct industry efficacy ratings. The first meas-  structure at high risk of collapsing). Concrete removal is
         ures flame spread, or how effectively the coating limits  where the high cost emerges.
         flammability (according to ASTM E84). The second rating   In this hydrocarbon industry, intumescent coatings from
         demonstrates coating efficacy for delaying and resisting  Sherwin-Williams provide passive fire protection of up to
         the effects of fire (expressed in hours).           four hours on steel. Its Firetex intumescent coatings mitigate
            With intumescent coatings, “the fire-retardancy prop-  the effects of jet fires, pool fires, boiling liquid, expanding
         erty is project-dependent but generally understood to  vapor explosions, and blasts, the company says.
         mean a coating can withstand temperatures in the range   Typically, intumescent coatings technology includes vinyl
         of 200 deg. C to 600 deg. C for a period of time,” the  toluene acrylics, styrene acrylics, silicone acrylics, fluoropoly-

         44   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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