Page 35 - CFCM Mar-Apr 2021_Neat
P. 35



                     FOR CHEMICAL REGULATION

                                                                                          By Gary LeRoux

               nce again the government in Ottawa is talking about legis-  • There may also be amendments addressing chemicals of very high
               lative “modernization”, which usually means tightening the   concern (CVHC) to align with actions being taken in Europe,
         Onoose around efforts of the chemical sector to deliver highly   which will alter the way forward on risk assessment and risk
         performing products for customers.                   management of numerous chemicals.
           Developments around the anticipated federal amendments to the   There is no anticipated change to the risk-based approach by the
         Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) were discussed at   current Environment  Minister but continued pressures from the
         a recent meeting of multiple chemical industry groups and the views   ENGO community could cause this to change.
         varied, but all agreed that the federal government is signaling that   Such “modernization” is of course, of grave concern for the coat-
         amendments to CEPA are imminent. The specific timeline is   ings, adhesives, sealants and elastomer (CASE) industry, as one of
         unclear due to uncertainties around a likely federal election in the   the most implicated industries under CEPA with respect to chemi-
         Spring, a federal budget in March and the ongoing economic    cal assessment. A broader scope for assessment will mean more bans
         challenges precipitated by the pandemic.            and more use restrictions than in the past.
           While it is unclear when action will be taken by this govern-  If this proceeds as expected, it will  likely be problematic for
         ment, it is very clear the intent is to broaden the scope of chemical   product formulations writ large. CPCA, and other industry groups,
         assessment and the related risk management measures such as   must now focus on highlighting the benefits of current chemicals in
         regulations and other restrictions. Industry must continue to    commerce and how they are often misrepresented in the context of
         advocate for the long-standing risk-based approach for chemical   inherent toxicity and other challenges under the heading of “problem
         assessment and not accept incessant and unsubstantiated calls for   formulations”. Industry must be clear as to how these substances are
         hazard-based approaches that have strangled the European Union   actually used and why they are critical for product performance in
         under REACH for years.                              multiple industry sectors.  For example, many coatings products ulti-
           There has not yet been final approval for extending the 15-year-  mately help extend the lifecycle of valuable private and public assets,
         old federal Chemicals Management Plan, assessing chemicals in   while at the same time reducing the environmental footprint of the
         commerce, and the related funding of approximately $500 million   industries they serve. These industry sectors include construction,
         necessary to run the post-2020 CMP program for another five years.    auto, marine, transportation, aerospace, etc.
           The federal Cabinet, under direction of the Environment Minis-  The benefits of certain chemical inputs are often not well under-
         ter, has reviewed a draft approach on what CEPA “modernization”   stood by those who seek to restrict certain chemical uses and secure
         might look like. In that undertaking, certain points are likely to be   more bans. Industry must be specific about the complexity of asses-
         considered in the eventual amendments tabled and the ones of great-  sing such chemicals and their specific use profiles. In many cases
         est concern for chemical industries include the following:   they are not even suited for various risk-assessment and government
         • Data requirements for chemical assessment being widened in   decision-making frameworks. It’s the job of the paint and coatings
          scope, entrenching concepts like alternative assessment, informed   sector to point out the enormity of such benefits to those conducting
          or problem substitution, vulnerable populations, etc.   assessments, those  amending legislation and those using the
         • The requirement to subscribe to a new concept on what govern-  products. As such, industry must up its game on raising awareness as
          ment is referring to as “the right to a healthy environment” is    to why chemicals in their products are of critical importance
          expected to be included in the preamble to the Act providing a    across multiple value chains.
          very wide scope for assessment.                      If work on the “modernization” of CEPA evolves as noted
         • Sections of the Act will be changed to allow more input from “civil   above, the final decision on CEPA amendments will be taken up
          society” in support of the existing environmental non-govern -  by the current government this Fall or by a new government, if an
          mental organization (ENGO) efforts to tighten both chemical   election is called between now and September, which is highly
          assessment and risk management in the name of environmental   likely. Given the above, it will be important for the entire chemical
          justice, which would irrevocably change the way CEPA is    industry to promote and support the existing risk-based approach
          enforced in future.                                to chemicals management in Canada. CPCA will be doing what
         • Much more focus on “vulnerable populations” related to the    it can in the coming days and weeks with outreach to federal
          operating sections of the Act such as Section 64, which is focused   Ministers and senior officials on the benefits of coatings and how
          on controlling toxic substances.                   it helps the government get to net zero emissions by 2050.
         • Possible changes to the current nomenclature, particularly as it   The paint and coatings industry is part of the solution in getting to
          relates to substances being designated CEPA-Toxic and the   zero with many of its products reducing the environmental footprint
          “lowering” of the bar for such a designation.      of other industry sectors. n
         • Possible changes to confidential business information
          (CBI), although commercially sensitive, are on the table for   Gary LeRoux is President and CEO of the Canadian Paint and
          further consideration.                             Coatings Association.
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