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                 www.                      ferred for recycling in a combined quantity   and refining; aluminum production and pro-

                          of greater than or equal to 50 kilograms.    cessing; pulp and paper mills; bakeries;
                                           The exception is for wood preservation    painting operations; printers; waste treat-
                                           facilities that use creosote; they have to    ment; mines; pits and quarries; sawmills and
             The CFCM Website              report whether or not they reached the 50 kg   wood products operations
                   Features:               reporting threshold.
                                             Examples of substances: phenanthrene,   Part 5 - Speciated Volatile Organic
             News, Back Issues,            pyrene, chrysene, anthracene, quinoline   Compounds (VOCs) - Additional
                Buyers Guide,                Examples of facility types: aluminum   reporting requirements
                                           production; steel manufacturers; pulp and   You may need to report for Part 5 substances
                Event Photos,              paper mills; oil and gas extraction and refin-  if they were released to the air in a quantity
                    People,                ing; cement manufacturers; power stations;   equal to or greater than 1 tonne and the 10
                                           wood preservation                  tonne air release threshold for VOCs (under
                New Products                                                  Part 4) was met.
                                           Part 3 - Dioxins, Furans and
                 for Finishing
                                           Hexachlorobenzene                  Conclusions
                 and Coatings              You need to report for Part 3 substances if   Canada is one of many countries with
                                           any of the following activities took place at   a PRTR. In Canada this is called the
               Manufacturing.              your facility:                     NPRI which is administered by Environ-
                                                    • incineration of hazardous or non-  ment Canada.
              Check it out Today                 hazardous waste, biomedical or   The NPRI has been in existence for
                                                 hospital waste, or sewage sludge   nearly 20 years and has expanded to include
                and Every Day!                      • chlorinated solvent production   additional substances in specific categories.
                                                    • metal smelting            PRTR data from Environment Canada’s
                                                    • power generation using fossil fuels   NPRI is used for many purposes, not only by
                                                 in a boiler unit             the federal government but also by several
                                                    • iron and steel manufacturing   other industrial sectors,  other  government
                                                    • pulp and paper manufacturing   (federal, provincial and municipal) depart-
                                                    • titanium dioxide pigment    ments, universities, and more, and is made
                                                 production                   available through the NPRI website.
                                                    • cement manufacturing      For the chromium plating/anodizing
                                                    • magnesium production    sector in Canada, reporting to the NPRI is
                                                    • wood preservation using    now mandatory for all platers/anodizers
                                                 pentachlorophenol            complying with the Environment Canada
                                                                              “Chromium” regulations regardless of the
                                           Part 4 - Criteria Air              number of employees.
                                           Contaminants (CACs)                  Companies are required to report their
                                           All facilities must consider CACs released   “release data” to NPRI for a given year by
                                           from stationary combustion equipment re-  June 1 of the following year. The reporting
                                           gardless of the number of employees at the   is done through the SWIM on the NPRI
                                           facility. As well, facilities with equal to or   website.
                                           greater than 20,000 employee hours (in-  For the 2019 NPRI reporting year, the
                                           cluding contractors), or where an activity to   reporting deadline was delayed to July 31,
              Please send all your News,    which the employee threshold does not   2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This
            New Products to Theresa Rogers   apply took place, must consider all other   was the first time a reporting date was
                                           sources of CACs at the facility. You may need   delayed. At the time of CFCM Magazine
            For Advertising Please Contact   to report for CACs if they were released to   publication, NPRI had not announced
             Gillian Thomas 1-416-277-1269   the air from your facility in quantities equal   whether the 2021 reporting date would also
           to or greater than their release thresholds.   be delayed due to the ongoing pandemic. n
                                             Examples of substances: Nitrogen oxides,
                                           particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, volatile   Peter J. Paine is CEO/Owner of P. J. Paine &
                                           organic compounds                  Associates. For more information on the
                                             Examples of facility types: facilities with   NPRI or for assistance completing your
                                           boilers burning fuels or waste; electricity   NPRI submission, he can be reached at
                                           generating stations; oil and gas extraction or (613) 884 – 9029.
         40            CANADIAN FINISHING & COATINGS MANUFACTURING                                                                                                 MARCH/APRIL 2021
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